Source code for qiskit.aqua.circuits.statevector_circuit

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Arbitrary State-Vector Circuit.

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, Qubit

from qiskit.aqua import AquaError
from qiskit.aqua.utils.arithmetic import normalize_vector, is_power_of_2, log2
from qiskit.aqua.utils.circuit_utils import convert_to_basis_gates

[docs]class StateVectorCircuit: """ Arbitrary State-Vector Circuit. """ def __init__(self, state_vector): """Constructor. Args: state_vector (numpy.ndarray): vector representation of the desired quantum state Raises: AquaError: invalid input """ if not is_power_of_2(len(state_vector)): raise AquaError('The length of the input state vector needs to be a power of 2.') self._num_qubits = log2(len(state_vector)) self._state_vector = normalize_vector(state_vector)
[docs] def construct_circuit(self, circuit=None, register=None): """ Construct the circuit representing the desired state vector. Args: circuit (QuantumCircuit): The optional circuit to extend from. register (Union(QuantumRegister , list[Qubit])): The optional qubits to construct the circuit with. Returns: QuantumCircuit: quantum circuit Raises: AquaError: invalid input """ if register is None: register = QuantumRegister(self._num_qubits, name='q') # in case `register` is a list of Qubits if isinstance(register, list): # create empty circuit if necessary if circuit is None: circuit = QuantumCircuit() # loop over all register and add the required registers for q in register: if not isinstance(q, Qubit): raise AquaError('Unexpected element type {} in qubit list.'.format(type(q))) if not circuit.has_register(q.register): circuit.add_register(q.register) # construct state initialization circuit temp = QuantumCircuit(*circuit.qregs) # otherwise, if it is a QuantumRegister elif isinstance(register, QuantumRegister): if circuit is None: circuit = QuantumCircuit(register) else: if not circuit.has_register(register): circuit.add_register(register) temp = QuantumCircuit(register) else: raise AquaError('Unexpected register type {}.'.format(type(register))) if len(register) < self._num_qubits: raise AquaError('Insufficient register are provided for the intended state-vector.') temp.initialize(self._state_vector, [register[i] for i in range(self._num_qubits)]) temp = convert_to_basis_gates(temp) # remove the reset gates terra's unroller added = [g for g in if not g[0].name == 'reset'] circuit += temp return circuit