Source code for qiskit.aqua.algorithms.factorizers.shor

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2020.
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"""Shor's factoring algorithm."""

from typing import Optional, Union
import math
import array
import fractions
import logging
import numpy as np

from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit.circuit.library import QFT
from qiskit.providers import BaseBackend
from qiskit.aqua import QuantumInstance
from qiskit.aqua.utils.arithmetic import is_power
from qiskit.aqua.utils import get_subsystem_density_matrix
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import QuantumAlgorithm
from qiskit.aqua.utils import summarize_circuits
from qiskit.aqua.utils.validation import validate_min

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class Shor(QuantumAlgorithm): """Shor's factoring algorithm. Shor's Factoring algorithm is one of the most well-known quantum algorithms and finds the prime factors for input integer :math:`N` in polynomial time. The input integer :math:`N` to be factored is expected to be odd and greater than 2. Even though this implementation is general, its capability will be limited by the capacity of the simulator/hardware. Another input integer :math:`a` can also be supplied, which needs to be a co-prime smaller than :math:`N` . Adapted from See also """ def __init__(self, N: int = 15, a: int = 2, quantum_instance: Optional[Union[QuantumInstance, BaseBackend]] = None) -> None: """ Args: N: The integer to be factored, has a min. value of 3. a: A random integer that satisfies a < N and gcd(a, N) = 1, has a min. value of 2. quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend Raises: ValueError: Invalid input """ validate_min('N', N, 3) validate_min('a', a, 2) super().__init__(quantum_instance) self._n = None self._up_qreg = None self._down_qreg = None self._aux_qreg = None # check the input integer if N < 1 or N % 2 == 0: raise ValueError('The input needs to be an odd integer greater than 1.') self._N = N if a >= N or math.gcd(a, self._N) != 1: raise ValueError('The integer a needs to satisfy a < N and gcd(a, N) = 1.') self._a = a self._ret = {'factors': []} # check if the input integer is a power tf, b, p = is_power(N, return_decomposition=True) if tf:'The input integer is a power: %s=%s^%s.', N, b, p) self._ret['factors'].append(b) self._qft = QFT(do_swaps=False) self._iqft = self._qft.inverse() def _get_angles(self, a): """Calculate the array of angles to be used in the addition in Fourier Space.""" s = bin(int(a))[2:].zfill(self._n + 1) angles = np.zeros([self._n + 1]) for i in range(0, self._n + 1): for j in range(i, self._n + 1): if s[j] == '1': angles[self._n - i] += math.pow(2, -(j - i)) angles[self._n - i] *= np.pi return angles def _phi_add(self, circuit, q, inverse=False): """Creation of the circuit that performs addition by a in Fourier Space. Can also be used for subtraction by setting the parameter ``inverse=True``. """ angle = self._get_angles(self._N) for i in range(0, self._n + 1): circuit.u1(-angle[i] if inverse else angle[i], q[i]) def _controlled_phi_add(self, circuit, q, ctl, inverse=False): """Single controlled version of the _phi_add circuit.""" angles = self._get_angles(self._N) for i in range(0, self._n + 1): angle = (-angles[i] if inverse else angles[i]) / 2 circuit.u1(angle, ctl), q[i]) circuit.u1(-angle, q[i]), q[i]) circuit.u1(angle, q[i]) def _controlled_controlled_phi_add(self, circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, a, inverse=False): """Doubly controlled version of the _phi_add circuit.""" angle = self._get_angles(a) for i in range(self._n + 1): # ccphase(circuit, -angle[i] if inverse else angle[i], ctl1, ctl2, q[i]) circuit.mcu1(-angle[i] if inverse else angle[i], [ctl1, ctl2], q[i]) def _controlled_controlled_phi_add_mod_N(self, circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, aux, a): """Circuit that implements doubly controlled modular addition by a.""" qubits = [q[i] for i in reversed(range(self._n + 1))] self._controlled_controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, a) self._phi_add(circuit, q, inverse=True) circuit.compose(self._iqft, qubits, inplace=True)[self._n], aux) circuit.compose(self._qft, qubits, inplace=True) self._controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, aux) self._controlled_controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, a, inverse=True) circuit.compose(self._iqft, qubits, inplace=True) circuit.u3(np.pi, 0, np.pi, q[self._n])[self._n], aux) circuit.u3(np.pi, 0, np.pi, q[self._n]) circuit.compose(self._qft, qubits, inplace=True) self._controlled_controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, a) def _controlled_controlled_phi_add_mod_N_inv(self, circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, aux, a): """Circuit that implements the inverse of doubly controlled modular addition by a.""" qubits = [q[i] for i in reversed(range(self._n + 1))] self._controlled_controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, a, inverse=True) circuit.compose(self._iqft, qubits, inplace=True) circuit.u3(np.pi, 0, np.pi, q[self._n])[self._n], aux) circuit.u3(np.pi, 0, np.pi, q[self._n]) circuit.compose(self._qft, qubits, inplace=True) self._controlled_controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, a) self._controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, aux, inverse=True) circuit.compose(self._iqft, qubits, inplace=True)[self._n], aux) circuit.compose(self._qft, qubits, inplace=True) self._phi_add(circuit, q) self._controlled_controlled_phi_add(circuit, q, ctl1, ctl2, a, inverse=True) def _controlled_multiple_mod_N(self, circuit, ctl, q, aux, a): """Circuit that implements single controlled modular multiplication by a.""" qubits = [aux[i] for i in reversed(range(self._n + 1))] circuit.compose(self._qft, qubits, inplace=True) for i in range(0, self._n): self._controlled_controlled_phi_add_mod_N( circuit, aux, q[i], ctl, aux[self._n + 1], (2 ** i) * a % self._N ) circuit.compose(self._iqft, qubits, inplace=True) for i in range(0, self._n): circuit.cswap(ctl, q[i], aux[i]) def modinv(a, m): def egcd(a, b): if a == 0: return (b, 0, 1) else: g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a) return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y) g, x, _ = egcd(a, m) if g != 1: raise Exception('modular inverse does not exist') return x % m a_inv = modinv(a, self._N) circuit.compose(self._qft, qubits, inplace=True) for i in reversed(range(self._n)): self._controlled_controlled_phi_add_mod_N_inv( circuit, aux, q[i], ctl, aux[self._n + 1], math.pow(2, i) * a_inv % self._N ) circuit.compose(self._iqft, qubits, inplace=True)
[docs] def construct_circuit(self, measurement: bool = False) -> QuantumCircuit: """Construct circuit. Args: measurement: Boolean flag to indicate if measurement should be included in the circuit. Returns: Quantum circuit. """ # Get n value used in Shor's algorithm, to know how many qubits are used self._n = math.ceil(math.log(self._N, 2)) self._qft.num_qubits = self._n + 1 self._iqft.num_qubits = self._n + 1 # quantum register where the sequential QFT is performed self._up_qreg = QuantumRegister(2 * self._n, name='up') # quantum register where the multiplications are made self._down_qreg = QuantumRegister(self._n, name='down') # auxiliary quantum register used in addition and multiplication self._aux_qreg = QuantumRegister(self._n + 2, name='aux') # Create Quantum Circuit circuit = QuantumCircuit(self._up_qreg, self._down_qreg, self._aux_qreg) # Initialize down register to 1 and create maximal superposition in top register circuit.u2(0, np.pi, self._up_qreg) circuit.u3(np.pi, 0, np.pi, self._down_qreg[0]) # Apply the multiplication gates as showed in # the report in order to create the exponentiation for i in range(0, 2 * self._n): self._controlled_multiple_mod_N( circuit, self._up_qreg[i], self._down_qreg, self._aux_qreg, int(pow(self._a, pow(2, i))) ) # Apply inverse QFT iqft = QFT(len(self._up_qreg), inverse=True) circuit.compose(iqft, qubits=self._up_qreg) if measurement: up_cqreg = ClassicalRegister(2 * self._n, name='m') circuit.add_register(up_cqreg) circuit.measure(self._up_qreg, up_cqreg) return circuit
def _get_factors(self, output_desired, t_upper): """Apply the continued fractions to find r and the gcd to find the desired factors.""" x_value = int(output_desired, 2)'In decimal, x_final value for this result is: %s.', x_value) if x_value <= 0: self._ret['results'][output_desired] = \ 'x_value is <= 0, there are no continued fractions.' return False logger.debug('Running continued fractions for this case.') # Calculate T and x/T T = pow(2, t_upper) x_over_T = x_value / T # Cycle in which each iteration corresponds to putting one more term in the # calculation of the Continued Fraction (CF) of x/T # Initialize the first values according to CF rule i = 0 b = array.array('i') t = array.array('f') b.append(math.floor(x_over_T)) t.append(x_over_T - b[i]) while i >= 0: # From the 2nd iteration onwards, calculate the new terms of the CF based # on the previous terms as the rule suggests if i > 0: b.append(math.floor(1 / t[i - 1])) t.append((1 / t[i - 1]) - b[i]) # Calculate the CF using the known terms aux = 0 j = i while j > 0: aux = 1 / (b[j] + aux) j = j - 1 aux = aux + b[0] # Get the denominator from the value obtained frac = fractions.Fraction(aux).limit_denominator() denominator = frac.denominator logger.debug('Approximation number %s of continued fractions:', i + 1) logger.debug("Numerator:%s \t\t Denominator: %s.", frac.numerator, frac.denominator) # Increment i for next iteration i = i + 1 if denominator % 2 == 1: if i >= self._N: self._ret['results'][output_desired] = \ 'unable to find factors after too many attempts.' return False logger.debug('Odd denominator, will try next iteration of continued fractions.') continue # If denominator even, try to get factors of N # Get the exponential a^(r/2) exponential = 0 if denominator < 1000: exponential = pow(self._a, denominator / 2) # Check if the value is too big or not if math.isinf(exponential) or exponential > 1000000000: self._ret['results'][output_desired] = \ 'denominator of continued fraction is too big.' return False # If the value is not to big (infinity), # then get the right values and do the proper gcd() putting_plus = int(exponential + 1) putting_minus = int(exponential - 1) one_factor = math.gcd(putting_plus, self._N) other_factor = math.gcd(putting_minus, self._N) # Check if the factors found are trivial factors or are the desired factors if one_factor == 1 or one_factor == self._N or \ other_factor == 1 or other_factor == self._N: logger.debug('Found just trivial factors, not good enough.') # Check if the number has already been found, # use i-1 because i was already incremented if t[i - 1] == 0: self._ret['results'][output_desired] = \ 'the continued fractions found exactly x_final/(2^(2n)).' return False if i >= self._N: self._ret['results'][output_desired] = \ 'unable to find factors after too many attempts.' return False else: logger.debug('The factors of %s are %s and %s.', self._N, one_factor, other_factor) logger.debug('Found the desired factors.') self._ret['results'][output_desired] = (one_factor, other_factor) factors = sorted((one_factor, other_factor)) if factors not in self._ret['factors']: self._ret['factors'].append(factors) return True def _run(self): if not self._ret['factors']: logger.debug('Running with N=%s and a=%s.', self._N, self._a) if self._quantum_instance.is_statevector: circuit = self.construct_circuit(measurement=False) logger.warning('The statevector_simulator might lead to ' 'subsequent computation using too much memory.') result = self._quantum_instance.execute(circuit) complete_state_vec = result.get_statevector(circuit) # TODO: this uses too much memory up_qreg_density_mat = get_subsystem_density_matrix( complete_state_vec, range(2 * self._n, 4 * self._n + 2) ) up_qreg_density_mat_diag = np.diag(up_qreg_density_mat) counts = dict() for i, v in enumerate(up_qreg_density_mat_diag): if not v == 0: counts[bin(int(i))[2:].zfill(2 * self._n)] = v ** 2 else: circuit = self.construct_circuit(measurement=True) counts = self._quantum_instance.execute(circuit).get_counts(circuit) self._ret['results'] = dict() # For each simulation result, print proper info to user # and try to calculate the factors of N for output_desired in list(counts.keys()): # Get the x_value from the final state qubits"------> Analyzing result %s.", output_desired) self._ret['results'][output_desired] = None success = self._get_factors(output_desired, int(2 * self._n)) if success:'Found factors %s from measurement %s.', self._ret['results'][output_desired], output_desired) else:'Cannot find factors from measurement %s because %s', output_desired, self._ret['results'][output_desired]) return self._ret