- class qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.GSLS(maxiter=10000, max_eval=10000, disp=False, sampling_radius=1e-06, sample_size_factor=1, initial_step_size=0.01, min_step_size=1e-10, step_size_multiplier=0.4, armijo_parameter=0.1, min_gradient_norm=1e-08, max_failed_rejection_sampling=50)[source]¶
Gaussian-smoothed Line Search.
An implementation of the line search algorithm described in, using gradient approximation based on Gaussian-smoothed samples on a sphere.
This component has some function that is normally random. If you want to reproduce behavior then you should set the random number generator seed in the algorithm_globals (
qiskit.utils.algorithm_globals.random_seed = seed
).- Parameters:
maxiter (int) – Maximum number of iterations.
max_eval (int) – Maximum number of evaluations.
disp (bool) – Set to True to display convergence messages.
sampling_radius (float) – Sampling radius to determine gradient estimate.
sample_size_factor (int) – The size of the sample set at each iteration is this number multiplied by the dimension of the problem, rounded to the nearest integer.
initial_step_size (float) – Initial step size for the descent algorithm.
min_step_size (float) – Minimum step size for the descent algorithm.
step_size_multiplier (float) – Step size reduction after unsuccessful steps, in the interval (0, 1).
armijo_parameter (float) – Armijo parameter for sufficient decrease criterion, in the interval (0, 1).
min_gradient_norm (float) – If the gradient norm is below this threshold, the algorithm stops.
max_failed_rejection_sampling (int) – Maximum number of attempts to sample points within bounds.
- bounds_support_level¶
Returns bounds support level
- gradient_support_level¶
Returns gradient support level
- initial_point_support_level¶
Returns initial point support level
- is_bounds_ignored¶
Returns is bounds ignored
- is_bounds_required¶
Returns is bounds required
- is_bounds_supported¶
Returns is bounds supported
- is_gradient_ignored¶
Returns is gradient ignored
- is_gradient_required¶
Returns is gradient required
- is_gradient_supported¶
Returns is gradient supported
- is_initial_point_ignored¶
Returns is initial point ignored
- is_initial_point_required¶
Returns is initial point required
- is_initial_point_supported¶
Returns is initial point supported
- setting¶
Return setting
- settings¶
- gradient_approximation(n, x, x_value, directions, sample_set_x, sample_set_y)[source]¶
Construct gradient approximation from given sample.
- Parameters:
n (int) – Dimension of the problem.
x (ndarray) – Point around which the sample set was constructed.
x_value (float) – Objective function value at x.
directions (ndarray) – Directions of the sample points wrt the central point x, as a 2D array.
sample_set_x (ndarray) – x-coordinates of the sample set, one point per row, as a 2D array.
sample_set_y (ndarray) – Objective function values of the points in sample_set_x, as a 1D array.
- Returns:
Gradient approximation at x, as a 1D array.
- Return type:
- static gradient_num_diff(x_center, f, epsilon, max_evals_grouped=None)¶
We compute the gradient with the numeric differentiation in the parallel way, around the point x_center.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
the gradient computed
- Return type:
- ls_optimize(n, obj_fun, initial_point, var_lb, var_ub)[source]¶
Run the line search optimization.
- Parameters:
n (int) – Dimension of the problem.
obj_fun (Callable[[float | ndarray], float]) – Objective function.
initial_point (ndarray) – Initial point.
var_lb (ndarray) – Vector of lower bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be -np.inf if the corresponding variable is unbounded from below.
var_ub (ndarray) – Vector of upper bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be np.inf if the corresponding variable is unbounded from below.
- Returns:
Final iterate as a vector, corresponding objective function value, number of evaluations, and norm of the gradient estimate.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the number of dimensions mismatches the size of the initial point or the length of the lower or upper bound.
- Return type:
tuple[numpy.ndarray, float, int, float]
- minimize(fun, x0, jac=None, bounds=None)[source]¶
Minimize the scalar function.
- Parameters:
fun (Callable[[POINT], float]) – The scalar function to minimize.
x0 (POINT) – The initial point for the minimization.
jac (Callable[[POINT], POINT] | None) – The gradient of the scalar function
.bounds (list[tuple[float, float]] | None) – Bounds for the variables of
. This argument might be ignored if the optimizer does not support bounds.
- Returns:
The result of the optimization, containing e.g. the result as attribute
.- Return type:
- print_options()¶
Print algorithm-specific options.
- sample_points(n, x, num_points)[source]¶
points aroundx
on then
-sphere of specified radius.The radius of the sphere is
.- Parameters:
- Returns:
A tuple containing the sampling points and the directions.
- Return type:
- sample_set(n, x, var_lb, var_ub, num_points)[source]¶
Construct sample set of given size.
- Parameters:
n (int) – Dimension of the problem.
x (ndarray) – Point around which the sample set is constructed.
var_lb (ndarray) – Vector of lower bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be -np.inf if the corresponding variable is unbounded from below.
var_ub (ndarray) – Vector of lower bounds on the decision variables. Vector elements can be np.inf if the corresponding variable is unbounded from above.
num_points (int) – Number of points in the sample set.
- Returns:
Matrices of (unit-norm) sample directions and sample points, one per row. Both matrices are 2D arrays of floats.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If not enough samples could be generated within the bounds.
- Return type:
- set_max_evals_grouped(limit)¶
Set max evals grouped
- set_options(**kwargs)¶
Sets or updates values in the options dictionary.
The options dictionary may be used internally by a given optimizer to pass additional optional values for the underlying optimizer/optimization function used. The options dictionary may be initially populated with a set of key/values when the given optimizer is constructed.
- Parameters:
kwargs (dict) – options, given as name=value.