Qobj (qiskit.qobj)



A class representing a header dictionary for a Qobj Experiment.


A class used to represent a dictionary header in Qobj objects.


QasmQobj([qobj_id, config, experiments, header])

An OpenQASM 2 Qobj.

QasmQobjInstruction(name[, params, qubits, ...])

A class representing a single instruction in an QasmQobj Experiment.

QasmQobjExperimentConfig([calibrations, ...])

Configuration for a single OpenQASM 2 experiment in the qobj.

QasmQobjExperiment([config, header, ...])

An OpenQASM 2 Qobj Experiment.

QasmQobjConfig([shots, seed_simulator, ...])

A configuration for an OpenQASM 2 Qobj.


A container for any calibrations data.

GateCalibration(name, qubits, params, ...)

Each calibration specifies a unique gate by name, qubits and params, and contains the Pulse instructions to implement it.


PulseQobj(qobj_id, config, experiments[, header])

A Pulse Qobj.

PulseQobjInstruction(name, t0[, ch, ...])

A class representing a single instruction in an PulseQobj Experiment.

PulseQobjExperimentConfig([qubit_lo_freq, ...])

A config for a single Pulse experiment in the qobj.

PulseQobjExperiment(instructions[, config, ...])

A Pulse Qobj Experiment.

PulseQobjConfig(meas_level, meas_return, ...)

A configuration for a Pulse Qobj.

QobjMeasurementOption(name[, params])

An individual measurement option.

PulseLibraryItem(name, samples)

An item in a pulse library.