Source code for qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers.common

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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"""Common preset passmanager generators."""

import collections
from typing import Optional

from qiskit.circuit.equivalence_library import SessionEquivalenceLibrary as sel
from qiskit.circuit.controlflow import CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES
from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func

from qiskit.transpiler.passmanager import PassManager
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Error
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Unroller
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import BasisTranslator
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Unroll3qOrMore
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Collect2qBlocks
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Collect1qRuns
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ConsolidateBlocks
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import UnitarySynthesis
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import HighLevelSynthesis
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import CheckMap
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import GateDirection
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import CheckGateDirection
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import TimeUnitConversion
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ALAPScheduleAnalysis
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ASAPScheduleAnalysis
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import FullAncillaAllocation
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import EnlargeWithAncilla
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ApplyLayout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RemoveResetInZeroState
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ValidatePulseGates
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import PadDelay
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import InstructionDurationCheck
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ConstrainedReschedule
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import PulseGates
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ContainsInstruction
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import VF2PostLayout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes.layout.vf2_layout import VF2LayoutStopReason
from qiskit.transpiler.passes.layout.vf2_post_layout import VF2PostLayoutStopReason
from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
from qiskit.transpiler.layout import Layout

_ControlFlowState = collections.namedtuple("_ControlFlowState", ("working", "not_working"))

# Any method neither known good nor known bad (i.e. not a Terra-internal pass) is passed through
# without error, since it is being supplied by a plugin and we don't have any knowledge of these.
    "layout_method": _ControlFlowState(
        working={"trivial", "dense", "sabre"}, not_working={"noise_adaptive"}
    "routing_method": _ControlFlowState(
        working={"none", "stochastic", "sabre"}, not_working={"lookahead", "basic"}
    "translation_method": _ControlFlowState(
        working={"translator", "synthesis", "unroller"},
    "optimization_method": _ControlFlowState(working=set(), not_working=set()),
    "scheduling_method": _ControlFlowState(working=set(), not_working={"alap", "asap"}),

def _has_control_flow(property_set):
    return any(property_set[f"contains_{x}"] for x in CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES)

def _without_control_flow(property_set):
    return not any(property_set[f"contains_{x}"] for x in CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES)

class _InvalidControlFlowForBackend:
    # Explicitly stateful closure to allow pickling.

    def __init__(self, basis_gates=(), target=None):
        if target is not None:
            self.unsupported = [op for op in CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES if op not in target]
            basis_gates = set(basis_gates) if basis_gates is not None else set()
            self.unsupported = [op for op in CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES if op not in basis_gates]

    def message(self, property_set):
        """Create an error message for the given property set."""
        fails = [x for x in self.unsupported if property_set[f"contains_{x}"]]
        if len(fails) == 1:
            return f"The control-flow construct '{fails[0]}' is not supported by the backend."
        return (
            f"The control-flow constructs [{', '.join(repr(op) for op in fails)}]"
            " are not supported by the backend."

    def condition(self, property_set):
        """Checkable condition for the given property set."""
        return any(property_set[f"contains_{x}"] for x in self.unsupported)

[docs]def generate_control_flow_options_check( layout_method=None, routing_method=None, translation_method=None, optimization_method=None, scheduling_method=None, basis_gates=(), target=None, ): """Generate a pass manager that, when run on a DAG that contains control flow, fails with an error message explaining the invalid options, and what could be used instead. Returns: PassManager: a pass manager that populates the ``contains_x`` properties for each of the control-flow operations, and raises an error if any of the given options do not support control flow, but a circuit with control flow is given. """ bad_options = [] message = "Some options cannot be used with control flow." for stage, given in [ ("layout", layout_method), ("routing", routing_method), ("translation", translation_method), ("optimization", optimization_method), ("scheduling", scheduling_method), ]: option = stage + "_method" method_states = _CONTROL_FLOW_STATES[option] if given is not None and given in method_states.not_working: if method_states.working: message += ( f" Got {option}='{given}', but valid values are {list(method_states.working)}." ) else: message += ( f" Got {option}='{given}', but the entire {stage} stage is not supported." ) bad_options.append(option) out = PassManager() out.append(ContainsInstruction(CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES, recurse=False)) if bad_options: out.append(Error(message), condition=_has_control_flow) backend_control = _InvalidControlFlowForBackend(basis_gates, target) out.append(Error(backend_control.message), condition=backend_control.condition) return out
[docs]def generate_error_on_control_flow(message): """Get a pass manager that always raises an error if control flow is present in a given circuit.""" out = PassManager() out.append(ContainsInstruction(CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES, recurse=False)) out.append(Error(message), condition=_has_control_flow) return out
def if_has_control_flow_else(if_present, if_absent): """Generate a pass manager that will run the passes in ``if_present`` if the given circuit has control-flow operations in it, and those in ``if_absent`` if it doesn't.""" if isinstance(if_present, PassManager): if_present = if_present.to_flow_controller() if isinstance(if_absent, PassManager): if_absent = if_absent.to_flow_controller() out = PassManager() out.append(ContainsInstruction(CONTROL_FLOW_OP_NAMES, recurse=False)) out.append(if_present, condition=_has_control_flow) out.append(if_absent, condition=_without_control_flow) return out
[docs]def generate_unroll_3q( target, basis_gates=None, approximation_degree=None, unitary_synthesis_method="default", unitary_synthesis_plugin_config=None, hls_config=None, ): """Generate an unroll >3q :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.PassManager` Args: target (Target): the :class:`~.Target` object representing the backend basis_gates (list): A list of str gate names that represent the basis gates on the backend target approximation_degree (Optional[float]): The heuristic approximation degree to use. Can be between 0 and 1. unitary_synthesis_method (str): The unitary synthesis method to use. You can see a list of installed plugins with :func:`.unitary_synthesis_plugin_names`. unitary_synthesis_plugin_config (dict): The optional dictionary plugin configuration, this is plugin specific refer to the specified plugin's documentation for how to use. hls_config (HLSConfig): An optional configuration class to use for :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.HighLevelSynthesis` pass. Specifies how to synthesize various high-level objects. Returns: PassManager: The unroll 3q or more pass manager """ unroll_3q = PassManager() unroll_3q.append( UnitarySynthesis( basis_gates, approximation_degree=approximation_degree, method=unitary_synthesis_method, min_qubits=3, plugin_config=unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, target=target, ) ) unroll_3q.append( HighLevelSynthesis( hls_config=hls_config, coupling_map=None, target=target, use_qubit_indices=False, equivalence_library=sel, basis_gates=basis_gates, min_qubits=3, ) ) # If there are no target instructions revert to using unroll3qormore so # routing works. if basis_gates is None and target is None: unroll_3q.append(Unroll3qOrMore(target, basis_gates)) else: unroll_3q.append(BasisTranslator(sel, basis_gates, target=target, min_qubits=3)) return unroll_3q
[docs]def generate_embed_passmanager(coupling_map): """Generate a layout embedding :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.PassManager` This is used to generate a :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.PassManager` object that can be used to expand and apply an initial layout to a circuit Args: coupling_map (Union[CouplingMap, Target): The coupling map for the backend to embed the circuit to. Returns: PassManager: The embedding passmanager that assumes the layout property set has been set in earlier stages """ return PassManager([FullAncillaAllocation(coupling_map), EnlargeWithAncilla(), ApplyLayout()])
def _layout_not_perfect(property_set): """Return ``True`` if the first attempt at layout has been checked and found to be imperfect. In this case, perfection means "does not require any swap routing".""" return property_set["is_swap_mapped"] is not None and not property_set["is_swap_mapped"] def _apply_post_layout_condition(property_set): # if VF2 Post layout found a solution we need to re-apply the better # layout. Otherwise we can skip apply layout. return ( property_set["VF2PostLayout_stop_reason"] is not None and property_set["VF2PostLayout_stop_reason"] is VF2PostLayoutStopReason.SOLUTION_FOUND )
[docs]def generate_routing_passmanager( routing_pass, target, coupling_map=None, vf2_call_limit=None, backend_properties=None, seed_transpiler=None, check_trivial=False, use_barrier_before_measurement=True, vf2_max_trials=None, ): """Generate a routing :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.PassManager` Args: routing_pass (TransformationPass): The pass which will perform the routing target (Target): the :class:`~.Target` object representing the backend coupling_map (CouplingMap): The coupling map of the backend to route for vf2_call_limit (int): The internal call limit for the vf2 post layout pass. If this is ``None`` or ``0`` the vf2 post layout will not be run. backend_properties (BackendProperties): Properties of a backend to synthesize for (e.g. gate fidelities). seed_transpiler (int): Sets random seed for the stochastic parts of the transpiler. check_trivial (bool): If set to true this will condition running the :class:`~.VF2PostLayout` pass after routing on whether a trivial layout was tried and was found to not be perfect. This is only needed if the constructed pass manager runs :class:`~.TrivialLayout` as a first layout attempt and uses it if it's a perfect layout (as is the case with preset pass manager level 1). use_barrier_before_measurement (bool): If true (the default) the :class:`~.BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements` transpiler pass will be run prior to the specified pass in the ``routing_pass`` argument. vf2_max_trials (int): The maximum number of trials to run VF2 when evaluating the vf2 post layout pass. If this is ``None`` or ``0`` the vf2 post layout will not be run. Returns: PassManager: The routing pass manager """ def _run_post_layout_condition(property_set): # If we check trivial layout and the found trivial layout was not perfect also # ensure VF2 initial layout was not used before running vf2 post layout if not check_trivial or _layout_not_perfect(property_set): vf2_stop_reason = property_set["VF2Layout_stop_reason"] if vf2_stop_reason is None or vf2_stop_reason != VF2LayoutStopReason.SOLUTION_FOUND: return True return False routing = PassManager() if target is not None: routing.append(CheckMap(target, property_set_field="routing_not_needed")) else: routing.append(CheckMap(coupling_map, property_set_field="routing_not_needed")) def _swap_condition(property_set): return not property_set["routing_not_needed"] if use_barrier_before_measurement: routing.append([BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements(), routing_pass], condition=_swap_condition) else: routing.append([routing_pass], condition=_swap_condition) is_vf2_fully_bounded = vf2_call_limit and vf2_max_trials if (target is not None or backend_properties is not None) and is_vf2_fully_bounded: routing.append( VF2PostLayout( target, coupling_map, backend_properties, seed_transpiler, call_limit=vf2_call_limit, max_trials=vf2_max_trials, strict_direction=False, ), condition=_run_post_layout_condition, ) routing.append(ApplyLayout(), condition=_apply_post_layout_condition) return routing
[docs]def generate_pre_op_passmanager(target=None, coupling_map=None, remove_reset_in_zero=False): """Generate a pre-optimization loop :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.PassManager` This pass manager will check to ensure that directionality from the coupling map is respected Args: target (Target): the :class:`~.Target` object representing the backend coupling_map (CouplingMap): The coupling map to use remove_reset_in_zero (bool): If ``True`` include the remove reset in zero pass in the generated PassManager Returns: PassManager: The pass manager """ pre_opt = PassManager() if coupling_map: pre_opt.append(CheckGateDirection(coupling_map, target=target)) def _direction_condition(property_set): return not property_set["is_direction_mapped"] pre_opt.append([GateDirection(coupling_map, target=target)], condition=_direction_condition) if remove_reset_in_zero: pre_opt.append(RemoveResetInZeroState()) return pre_opt
[docs]def generate_translation_passmanager( target, basis_gates=None, method="translator", approximation_degree=None, coupling_map=None, backend_props=None, unitary_synthesis_method="default", unitary_synthesis_plugin_config=None, hls_config=None, ): """Generate a basis translation :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.PassManager` Args: target (Target): the :class:`~.Target` object representing the backend basis_gates (list): A list of str gate names that represent the basis gates on the backend target method (str): The basis translation method to use approximation_degree (Optional[float]): The heuristic approximation degree to use. Can be between 0 and 1. coupling_map (CouplingMap): the coupling map of the backend in case synthesis is done on a physical circuit. The directionality of the coupling_map will be taken into account if pulse_optimize is True/None and natural_direction is True/None. unitary_synthesis_plugin_config (dict): The optional dictionary plugin configuration, this is plugin specific refer to the specified plugin's documentation for how to use. backend_props (BackendProperties): Properties of a backend to synthesize for (e.g. gate fidelities). unitary_synthesis_method (str): The unitary synthesis method to use. You can see a list of installed plugins with :func:`.unitary_synthesis_plugin_names`. hls_config (HLSConfig): An optional configuration class to use for :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.HighLevelSynthesis` pass. Specifies how to synthesize various high-level objects. Returns: PassManager: The basis translation pass manager Raises: TranspilerError: If the ``method`` kwarg is not a valid value """ if method == "unroller": unroll = [Unroller(basis=basis_gates, target=target)] elif method == "translator": unroll = [ # Use unitary synthesis for basis aware decomposition of # UnitaryGates before custom unrolling UnitarySynthesis( basis_gates, approximation_degree=approximation_degree, coupling_map=coupling_map, backend_props=backend_props, plugin_config=unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, method=unitary_synthesis_method, target=target, ), HighLevelSynthesis( hls_config=hls_config, coupling_map=coupling_map, target=target, use_qubit_indices=True, equivalence_library=sel, basis_gates=basis_gates, ), BasisTranslator(sel, basis_gates, target), ] elif method == "synthesis": unroll = [ # # Use unitary synthesis for basis aware decomposition of # UnitaryGates > 2q before collection UnitarySynthesis( basis_gates, approximation_degree=approximation_degree, coupling_map=coupling_map, backend_props=backend_props, plugin_config=unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, method=unitary_synthesis_method, min_qubits=3, target=target, ), HighLevelSynthesis( hls_config=hls_config, coupling_map=coupling_map, target=target, use_qubit_indices=True, basis_gates=basis_gates, min_qubits=3, ), Unroll3qOrMore(target=target, basis_gates=basis_gates), Collect2qBlocks(), Collect1qRuns(), ConsolidateBlocks( basis_gates=basis_gates, target=target, approximation_degree=approximation_degree ), UnitarySynthesis( basis_gates=basis_gates, approximation_degree=approximation_degree, coupling_map=coupling_map, backend_props=backend_props, plugin_config=unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, method=unitary_synthesis_method, target=target, ), HighLevelSynthesis( hls_config=hls_config, coupling_map=coupling_map, target=target, use_qubit_indices=True, basis_gates=basis_gates, ), ] else: raise TranspilerError("Invalid translation method %s." % method) return PassManager(unroll)
[docs]def generate_scheduling( instruction_durations, scheduling_method, timing_constraints, inst_map, target=None ): """Generate a post optimization scheduling :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.PassManager` Args: instruction_durations (dict): The dictionary of instruction durations scheduling_method (str): The scheduling method to use, can either be ``'asap'``/``'as_soon_as_possible'`` or ``'alap'``/``'as_late_as_possible'`` timing_constraints (TimingConstraints): Hardware time alignment restrictions. inst_map (InstructionScheduleMap): Mapping object that maps gate to schedule. target (Target): The :class:`~.Target` object representing the backend Returns: PassManager: The scheduling pass manager Raises: TranspilerError: If the ``scheduling_method`` kwarg is not a valid value """ scheduling = PassManager() if inst_map and inst_map.has_custom_gate(): scheduling.append(PulseGates(inst_map=inst_map, target=target)) if scheduling_method: # Do scheduling after unit conversion. scheduler = { "alap": ALAPScheduleAnalysis, "as_late_as_possible": ALAPScheduleAnalysis, "asap": ASAPScheduleAnalysis, "as_soon_as_possible": ASAPScheduleAnalysis, } scheduling.append(TimeUnitConversion(instruction_durations, target=target)) try: scheduling.append(scheduler[scheduling_method](instruction_durations, target=target)) except KeyError as ex: raise TranspilerError("Invalid scheduling method %s." % scheduling_method) from ex elif instruction_durations: # No scheduling. But do unit conversion for delays. def _contains_delay(property_set): return property_set["contains_delay"] scheduling.append(ContainsInstruction("delay")) scheduling.append( TimeUnitConversion(instruction_durations, target=target), condition=_contains_delay ) if ( timing_constraints.granularity != 1 or timing_constraints.min_length != 1 or timing_constraints.acquire_alignment != 1 or timing_constraints.pulse_alignment != 1 ): # Run alignment analysis regardless of scheduling. def _require_alignment(property_set): return property_set["reschedule_required"] scheduling.append( InstructionDurationCheck( acquire_alignment=timing_constraints.acquire_alignment, pulse_alignment=timing_constraints.pulse_alignment, ) ) scheduling.append( ConstrainedReschedule( acquire_alignment=timing_constraints.acquire_alignment, pulse_alignment=timing_constraints.pulse_alignment, ), condition=_require_alignment, ) scheduling.append( ValidatePulseGates( granularity=timing_constraints.granularity, min_length=timing_constraints.min_length, ) ) if scheduling_method: # Call padding pass if circuit is scheduled scheduling.append(PadDelay(target=target)) return scheduling
@deprecate_func( additional_msg="Instead, use :func:`~qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers.common.get_vf2_limits`.", since="0.25.0", package_name="qiskit-terra", ) def get_vf2_call_limit( optimization_level: int, layout_method: Optional[str] = None, initial_layout: Optional[Layout] = None, ) -> Optional[int]: """Get the vf2 call limit for vf2 based layout passes.""" vf2_call_limit = None if layout_method is None and initial_layout is None: if optimization_level == 1: vf2_call_limit = int(5e4) # Set call limit to ~100ms with rustworkx 0.10.2 elif optimization_level == 2: vf2_call_limit = int(5e6) # Set call limit to ~10 sec with rustworkx 0.10.2 elif optimization_level == 3: vf2_call_limit = int(3e7) # Set call limit to ~60 sec with rustworkx 0.10.2 return vf2_call_limit VF2Limits = collections.namedtuple("VF2Limits", ("call_limit", "max_trials")) def get_vf2_limits( optimization_level: int, layout_method: Optional[str] = None, initial_layout: Optional[Layout] = None, ) -> VF2Limits: """Get the VF2 limits for VF2-based layout passes. Returns: VF2Limits: An namedtuple with optional elements ``call_limit`` and ``max_trials``. """ limits = VF2Limits(None, None) if layout_method is None and initial_layout is None: if optimization_level == 1: limits = VF2Limits( int(5e4), # Set call limit to ~100ms with rustworkx 0.10.2 2500, # Limits layout scoring to < 600ms on ~400 qubit devices ) elif optimization_level == 2: limits = VF2Limits( int(5e6), # Set call limit to ~10 sec with rustworkx 0.10.2 25000, # Limits layout scoring to < 6 sec on ~400 qubit devices ) elif optimization_level == 3: limits = VF2Limits( int(3e7), # Set call limit to ~60 sec with rustworkx 0.10.2 250000, # Limits layout scoring to < 60 sec on ~400 qubit devices ) return limits