# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2022
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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Optimized list of Pauli operators
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Literal
import numpy as np
import rustworkx as rx
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.custom_iterator import CustomIterator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.mixins import GroupMixin, LinearMixin
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.base_pauli import BasePauli
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.clifford import Clifford
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli import Pauli
[docs]class PauliList(BasePauli, LinearMixin, GroupMixin):
r"""List of N-qubit Pauli operators.
This class is an efficient representation of a list of
:class:`Pauli` operators. It supports 1D numpy array indexing
returning a :class:`Pauli` for integer indexes or a
:class:`PauliList` for slice or list indices.
A PauliList object can be initialized in several ways.
where strings are same representation with :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli`.
``PauliList(Pauli) and PauliList(list[Pauli])``
where Pauli is :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli`.
``PauliList.from_symplectic(z, x, phase)``
where ``z`` and ``x`` are 2 dimensional boolean ``numpy.ndarrays`` and ``phase`` is
an integer in ``[0, 1, 2, 3]``.
For example,
.. code-block::
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli, PauliList
# 1. init from list[str]
pauli_list = PauliList(["II", "+ZI", "-iYY"])
print("1. ", pauli_list)
pauli1 = Pauli("iXI")
pauli2 = Pauli("iZZ")
# 2. init from Pauli
print("2. ", PauliList(pauli1))
# 3. init from list[Pauli]
print("3. ", PauliList([pauli1, pauli2]))
# 4. init from np.ndarray
z = np.array([[True, True], [False, False]])
x = np.array([[False, True], [True, False]])
phase = np.array([0, 1])
pauli_list = PauliList.from_symplectic(z, x, phase)
print("4. ", pauli_list)
.. parsed-literal::
1. ['II', 'ZI', '-iYY']
2. ['iXI']
3. ['iXI', 'iZZ']
4. ['YZ', '-iIX']
**Data Access**
The individual Paulis can be accessed and updated using the ``[]``
operator which accepts integer, lists, or slices for selecting subsets
of PauliList. If integer is given, it returns Pauli not PauliList.
.. code-block::
pauli_list = PauliList(["XX", "ZZ", "IZ"])
print("Integer: ", repr(pauli_list[1]))
print("List: ", repr(pauli_list[[0, 2]]))
print("Slice: ", repr(pauli_list[0:2]))
.. parsed-literal::
Integer: Pauli('ZZ')
List: PauliList(['XX', 'IZ'])
Slice: PauliList(['XX', 'ZZ'])
Rows in the Pauli table can be iterated over like a list. Iteration can
also be done using the label or matrix representation of each row using the
:meth:`label_iter` and :meth:`matrix_iter` methods.
# Set the max number of qubits * paulis before string truncation
__truncate__ = 2000
def __init__(self, data: Pauli | list):
"""Initialize the PauliList.
data (Pauli or list): input data for Paulis. If input is a list each item in the list
must be a Pauli object or Pauli str.
QiskitError: if input array is invalid shape.
Additional Information:
The input array is not copied so multiple Pauli tables
can share the same underlying array.
if isinstance(data, BasePauli):
base_z, base_x, base_phase = data._z, data._x, data._phase
# Conversion as iterable of Paulis
base_z, base_x, base_phase = self._from_paulis(data)
# Initialize BasePauli
super().__init__(base_z, base_x, base_phase)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Representation conversions
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def settings(self):
"""Return settings."""
return {"data": self.to_labels()}
def __array__(self, dtype=None):
"""Convert to numpy array"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
shape = (len(self),) + 2 * (2**self.num_qubits,)
ret = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
for i, mat in enumerate(self.matrix_iter()):
ret[i] = mat
return ret
def _from_paulis(data):
"""Construct a PauliList from a list of Pauli data.
data (iterable): list of Pauli data.
PauliList: the constructed PauliList.
QiskitError: If the input list is empty or contains invalid
Pauli strings.
if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple, set, np.ndarray)):
data = [data]
num_paulis = len(data)
if num_paulis == 0:
raise QiskitError("Input Pauli list is empty.")
paulis = []
for i in data:
if not isinstance(i, Pauli):
num_qubits = paulis[0].num_qubits
base_z = np.zeros((num_paulis, num_qubits), dtype=bool)
base_x = np.zeros((num_paulis, num_qubits), dtype=bool)
base_phase = np.zeros(num_paulis, dtype=int)
for i, pauli in enumerate(paulis):
if pauli.num_qubits != num_qubits:
raise ValueError(
f"The {i}th Pauli is defined over {pauli.num_qubits} qubits, "
f"but num_qubits == {num_qubits} was expected."
base_z[i] = pauli._z
base_x[i] = pauli._x
base_phase[i] = pauli._phase.item()
return base_z, base_x, base_phase
def __repr__(self):
"""Display representation."""
return self._truncated_str(True)
def __str__(self):
"""Print representation."""
return self._truncated_str(False)
def _truncated_str(self, show_class):
stop = self._num_paulis
if self.__truncate__ and self.num_qubits > 0:
max_paulis = self.__truncate__ // self.num_qubits
if self._num_paulis > max_paulis:
stop = max_paulis
labels = [str(self[i]) for i in range(stop)]
prefix = "PauliList(" if show_class else ""
tail = ")" if show_class else ""
if stop != self._num_paulis:
suffix = ", ...]" + tail
suffix = "]" + tail
list_str = np.array2string(
np.array(labels), threshold=stop + 1, separator=", ", prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix
return prefix + list_str[:-1] + suffix
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Entrywise comparison of Pauli equality."""
if not isinstance(other, PauliList):
other = PauliList(other)
if not isinstance(other, BasePauli):
return False
return self._eq(other)
[docs] def equiv(self, other: PauliList | Pauli) -> np.ndarray:
"""Entrywise comparison of Pauli equivalence up to global phase.
other (PauliList or Pauli): a comparison object.
np.ndarray: An array of ``True`` or ``False`` for entrywise equivalence
of the current table.
if not isinstance(other, PauliList):
other = PauliList(other)
return np.all(self.z == other.z, axis=1) & np.all(self.x == other.x, axis=1)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Direct array access
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def phase(self):
"""Return the phase exponent of the PauliList."""
# Convert internal ZX-phase convention to group phase convention
return np.mod(self._phase - self._count_y(dtype=self._phase.dtype), 4)
def phase(self, value):
# Convert group phase convetion to internal ZX-phase convention
self._phase[:] = np.mod(value + self._count_y(dtype=self._phase.dtype), 4)
def x(self):
"""The x array for the symplectic representation."""
return self._x
def x(self, val):
self._x[:] = val
def z(self):
"""The z array for the symplectic representation."""
return self._z
def z(self, val):
self._z[:] = val
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Size Properties
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def shape(self):
"""The full shape of the :meth:`array`"""
return self._num_paulis, self.num_qubits
def size(self):
"""The number of Pauli rows in the table."""
return self._num_paulis
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of Pauli rows in the table."""
return self._num_paulis
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pauli Array methods
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Return a view of the PauliList."""
# Returns a view of specified rows of the PauliList
# This supports all slicing operations the underlying array supports.
if isinstance(index, tuple):
if len(index) == 1:
index = index[0]
elif len(index) > 2:
raise IndexError(f"Invalid PauliList index {index}")
# Row-only indexing
if isinstance(index, (int, np.integer)):
# Single Pauli
return Pauli(
self._z[np.newaxis, index],
self._x[np.newaxis, index],
self._phase[np.newaxis, index],
elif isinstance(index, (slice, list, np.ndarray)):
# Sub-Table view
return PauliList(BasePauli(self._z[index], self._x[index], self._phase[index]))
# Row and Qubit indexing
return PauliList((self._z[index], self._x[index], 0))
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
"""Update PauliList."""
if isinstance(index, tuple):
if len(index) == 1:
row, qubit = index[0], None
elif len(index) > 2:
raise IndexError(f"Invalid PauliList index {index}")
row, qubit = index
row, qubit = index, None
# Modify specified rows of the PauliList
if not isinstance(value, PauliList):
value = PauliList(value)
# It's not valid to set a single item with a sequence, even if the sequence is length 1.
phase = value._phase.item() if isinstance(row, (int, np.integer)) else value._phase
if qubit is None:
self._z[row] = value._z
self._x[row] = value._x
self._phase[row] = phase
self._z[row, qubit] = value._z
self._x[row, qubit] = value._x
self._phase[row] += phase
self._phase %= 4
[docs] def delete(self, ind: int | list, qubit: bool = False) -> PauliList:
"""Return a copy with Pauli rows deleted from table.
When deleting qubits the qubit index is the same as the
column index of the underlying :attr:`X` and :attr:`Z` arrays.
ind (int or list): index(es) to delete.
qubit (bool): if ``True`` delete qubit columns, otherwise delete
Pauli rows (Default: ``False``).
PauliList: the resulting table with the entries removed.
QiskitError: if ``ind`` is out of bounds for the array size or
number of qubits.
if isinstance(ind, int):
ind = [ind]
if len(ind) == 0:
return PauliList.from_symplectic(self._z, self._x, self.phase)
# Row deletion
if not qubit:
if max(ind) >= len(self):
raise QiskitError(
"Indices {} are not all less than the size"
" of the PauliList ({})".format(ind, len(self))
z = np.delete(self._z, ind, axis=0)
x = np.delete(self._x, ind, axis=0)
phase = np.delete(self._phase, ind)
return PauliList(BasePauli(z, x, phase))
# Column (qubit) deletion
if max(ind) >= self.num_qubits:
raise QiskitError(
"Indices {} are not all less than the number of"
" qubits in the PauliList ({})".format(ind, self.num_qubits)
z = np.delete(self._z, ind, axis=1)
x = np.delete(self._x, ind, axis=1)
# Use self.phase, not self._phase as deleting qubits can change the
# ZX phase convention
return PauliList.from_symplectic(z, x, self.phase)
[docs] def insert(self, ind: int, value: PauliList, qubit: bool = False) -> PauliList:
"""Insert Paulis into the table.
When inserting qubits the qubit index is the same as the
column index of the underlying :attr:`X` and :attr:`Z` arrays.
ind (int): index to insert at.
value (PauliList): values to insert.
qubit (bool): if ``True`` insert qubit columns, otherwise insert
Pauli rows (Default: ``False``).
PauliList: the resulting table with the entries inserted.
QiskitError: if the insertion index is invalid.
if not isinstance(ind, int):
raise QiskitError("Insert index must be an integer.")
if not isinstance(value, PauliList):
value = PauliList(value)
# Row insertion
size = self._num_paulis
if not qubit:
if ind > size:
raise QiskitError(
"Index {} is larger than the number of rows in the"
" PauliList ({}).".format(ind, size)
base_z = np.insert(self._z, ind, value._z, axis=0)
base_x = np.insert(self._x, ind, value._x, axis=0)
base_phase = np.insert(self._phase, ind, value._phase)
return PauliList(BasePauli(base_z, base_x, base_phase))
# Column insertion
if ind > self.num_qubits:
raise QiskitError(
"Index {} is greater than number of qubits"
" in the PauliList ({})".format(ind, self.num_qubits)
if len(value) == 1:
# Pad blocks to correct size
value_x = np.vstack(size * [value.x])
value_z = np.vstack(size * [value.z])
value_phase = np.vstack(size * [value.phase])
elif len(value) == size:
# Blocks are already correct size
value_x = value.x
value_z = value.z
value_phase = value.phase
# Blocks are incorrect size
raise QiskitError(
"Input PauliList must have a single row, or"
" the same number of rows as the Pauli Table"
" ({}).".format(size)
# Build new array by blocks
z = np.hstack([self.z[:, :ind], value_z, self.z[:, ind:]])
x = np.hstack([self.x[:, :ind], value_x, self.x[:, ind:]])
phase = self.phase + value_phase
return PauliList.from_symplectic(z, x, phase)
[docs] def argsort(self, weight: bool = False, phase: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return indices for sorting the rows of the table.
The default sort method is lexicographic sorting by qubit number.
By using the `weight` kwarg the output can additionally be sorted
by the number of non-identity terms in the Pauli, where the set of
all Paulis of a given weight are still ordered lexicographically.
weight (bool): Optionally sort by weight if ``True`` (Default: ``False``).
phase (bool): Optionally sort by phase before weight or order
(Default: ``False``).
array: the indices for sorting the table.
# Get order of each Pauli using
# I => 0, X => 1, Y => 2, Z => 3
x = self.x
z = self.z
order = 1 * (x & ~z) + 2 * (x & z) + 3 * (~x & z)
phases = self.phase
# Optionally get the weight of Pauli
# This is the number of non identity terms
if weight:
weights = np.sum(x | z, axis=1)
# To preserve ordering between successive sorts we
# are use the 'stable' sort method
indices = np.arange(self._num_paulis)
# Initial sort by phases
sort_inds = phases.argsort(kind="stable")
indices = indices[sort_inds]
order = order[sort_inds]
if phase:
phases = phases[sort_inds]
if weight:
weights = weights[sort_inds]
# Sort by order
for i in range(self.num_qubits):
sort_inds = order[:, i].argsort(kind="stable")
order = order[sort_inds]
indices = indices[sort_inds]
if weight:
weights = weights[sort_inds]
if phase:
phases = phases[sort_inds]
# If using weights we implement a sort by total number
# of non-identity Paulis
if weight:
sort_inds = weights.argsort(kind="stable")
indices = indices[sort_inds]
phases = phases[sort_inds]
# If sorting by phase we perform a final sort by the phase value
# of each pauli
if phase:
indices = indices[phases.argsort(kind="stable")]
return indices
[docs] def sort(self, weight: bool = False, phase: bool = False) -> PauliList:
"""Sort the rows of the table.
The default sort method is lexicographic sorting by qubit number.
By using the `weight` kwarg the output can additionally be sorted
by the number of non-identity terms in the Pauli, where the set of
all Paulis of a given weight are still ordered lexicographically.
Consider sorting all a random ordering of all 2-qubit Paulis
.. code-block::
from numpy.random import shuffle
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import PauliList
# 2-qubit labels
labels = ['II', 'IX', 'IY', 'IZ', 'XI', 'XX', 'XY', 'XZ',
'YI', 'YX', 'YY', 'YZ', 'ZI', 'ZX', 'ZY', 'ZZ']
# Shuffle Labels
pt = PauliList(labels)
print('Initial Ordering')
# Lexicographic Ordering
srt = pt.sort()
print('Lexicographically sorted')
# Weight Ordering
srt = pt.sort(weight=True)
print('Weight sorted')
.. parsed-literal::
Initial Ordering
['YX', 'ZZ', 'XZ', 'YI', 'YZ', 'II', 'XX', 'XI', 'XY', 'YY', 'IX', 'IZ',
'ZY', 'ZI', 'ZX', 'IY']
Lexicographically sorted
['II', 'IX', 'IY', 'IZ', 'XI', 'XX', 'XY', 'XZ', 'YI', 'YX', 'YY', 'YZ',
'ZI', 'ZX', 'ZY', 'ZZ']
Weight sorted
['II', 'IX', 'IY', 'IZ', 'XI', 'YI', 'ZI', 'XX', 'XY', 'XZ', 'YX', 'YY',
'YZ', 'ZX', 'ZY', 'ZZ']
weight (bool): optionally sort by weight if ``True`` (Default: ``False``).
phase (bool): Optionally sort by phase before weight or order
(Default: ``False``).
PauliList: a sorted copy of the original table.
return self[self.argsort(weight=weight, phase=phase)]
[docs] def unique(self, return_index: bool = False, return_counts: bool = False) -> PauliList:
"""Return unique Paulis from the table.
.. code-block::
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import PauliList
pt = PauliList(['X', 'Y', '-X', 'I', 'I', 'Z', 'X', 'iZ'])
unique = pt.unique()
.. parsed-literal::
['X', 'Y', '-X', 'I', 'Z', 'iZ']
return_index (bool): If ``True``, also return the indices that
result in the unique array.
(Default: ``False``)
return_counts (bool): If ``True``, also return the number of times
each unique item appears in the table.
PauliList: unique
the table of the unique rows.
unique_indices: np.ndarray, optional
The indices of the first occurrences of the unique values in
the original array. Only provided if ``return_index`` is ``True``.
unique_counts: np.array, optional
The number of times each of the unique values comes up in the
original array. Only provided if ``return_counts`` is ``True``.
# Check if we need to stack the phase array
if np.any(self._phase != self._phase[0]):
# Create a single array of Pauli's and phases for calling np.unique on
# so that we treat different phased Pauli's as unique
array = np.hstack([self._z, self._x, self.phase.reshape((self.phase.shape[0], 1))])
# All Pauli's have the same phase so we only need to sort the array
array = np.hstack([self._z, self._x])
# Get indexes of unique entries
if return_counts:
_, index, counts = np.unique(array, return_index=True, return_counts=True, axis=0)
_, index = np.unique(array, return_index=True, axis=0)
# Sort the index so we return unique rows in the original array order
sort_inds = index.argsort()
index = index[sort_inds]
unique = PauliList(BasePauli(self._z[index], self._x[index], self._phase[index]))
# Concatinate return tuples
ret = (unique,)
if return_index:
ret += (index,)
if return_counts:
ret += (counts[sort_inds],)
if len(ret) == 1:
return ret[0]
return ret
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# BaseOperator methods
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def tensor(self, other: PauliList) -> PauliList:
"""Return the tensor product with each Pauli in the list.
other (PauliList): another PauliList.
PauliList: the list of tensor product Paulis.
QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a PauliList, does
not have either 1 or the same number of Paulis as
the current list.
if not isinstance(other, PauliList):
other = PauliList(other)
return PauliList(super().tensor(other))
[docs] def expand(self, other: PauliList) -> PauliList:
"""Return the expand product of each Pauli in the list.
other (PauliList): another PauliList.
PauliList: the list of tensor product Paulis.
QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a PauliList, does
not have either 1 or the same number of Paulis as
the current list.
if not isinstance(other, PauliList):
other = PauliList(other)
if len(other) not in [1, len(self)]:
raise QiskitError(
"Incompatible PauliLists. Other list must "
"have either 1 or the same number of Paulis."
return PauliList(super().expand(other))
[docs] def compose(
other: PauliList,
qargs: None | list = None,
front: bool = False,
inplace: bool = False,
) -> PauliList:
"""Return the composition self∘other for each Pauli in the list.
other (PauliList): another PauliList.
qargs (None or list): qubits to apply dot product on (Default: ``None``).
front (bool): If True use `dot` composition method [default: ``False``].
inplace (bool): If ``True`` update in-place (default: ``False``).
PauliList: the list of composed Paulis.
QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a PauliList, does
not have either 1 or the same number of Paulis as
the current list, or has the wrong number of qubits
for the specified ``qargs``.
if qargs is None:
qargs = getattr(other, "qargs", None)
if not isinstance(other, PauliList):
other = PauliList(other)
if len(other) not in [1, len(self)]:
raise QiskitError(
"Incompatible PauliLists. Other list must "
"have either 1 or the same number of Paulis."
return PauliList(super().compose(other, qargs=qargs, front=front, inplace=inplace))
[docs] def dot(self, other: PauliList, qargs: None | list = None, inplace: bool = False) -> PauliList:
"""Return the composition other∘self for each Pauli in the list.
other (PauliList): another PauliList.
qargs (None or list): qubits to apply dot product on (Default: ``None``).
inplace (bool): If True update in-place (default: ``False``).
PauliList: the list of composed Paulis.
QiskitError: if other cannot be converted to a PauliList, does
not have either 1 or the same number of Paulis as
the current list, or has the wrong number of qubits
for the specified ``qargs``.
return self.compose(other, qargs=qargs, front=True, inplace=inplace)
def _add(self, other, qargs=None):
"""Append two PauliLists.
If ``qargs`` are specified the other operator will be added
assuming it is identity on all other subsystems.
other (PauliList): another table.
qargs (None or list): optional subsystems to add on
(Default: ``None``)
PauliList: the concatenated list ``self`` + ``other``.
if qargs is None:
qargs = getattr(other, "qargs", None)
if not isinstance(other, PauliList):
other = PauliList(other)
self._op_shape._validate_add(other._op_shape, qargs)
base_phase = np.hstack((self._phase, other._phase))
if qargs is None or (sorted(qargs) == qargs and len(qargs) == self.num_qubits):
base_z = np.vstack([self._z, other._z])
base_x = np.vstack([self._x, other._x])
# Pad other with identity and then add
padded = BasePauli(
np.zeros((other.size, self.num_qubits), dtype=bool),
np.zeros((other.size, self.num_qubits), dtype=bool),
np.zeros(other.size, dtype=int),
padded = padded.compose(other, qargs=qargs, inplace=True)
base_z = np.vstack([self._z, padded._z])
base_x = np.vstack([self._x, padded._x])
return PauliList(BasePauli(base_z, base_x, base_phase))
def _multiply(self, other):
"""Multiply each Pauli in the list by a phase.
other (complex or array): a complex number in [1, -1j, -1, 1j]
PauliList: the list of Paulis other * self.
QiskitError: if the phase is not in the set [1, -1j, -1, 1j].
return PauliList(super()._multiply(other))
[docs] def conjugate(self):
"""Return the conjugate of each Pauli in the list."""
return PauliList(super().conjugate())
[docs] def transpose(self):
"""Return the transpose of each Pauli in the list."""
return PauliList(super().transpose())
[docs] def adjoint(self):
"""Return the adjoint of each Pauli in the list."""
return PauliList(super().adjoint())
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Return the inverse of each Pauli in the list."""
return PauliList(super().adjoint())
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility methods
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def commutes(self, other: BasePauli, qargs: list | None = None) -> bool:
"""Return True for each Pauli that commutes with other.
other (PauliList): another PauliList operator.
qargs (list): qubits to apply dot product on (default: ``None``).
bool: ``True`` if Paulis commute, ``False`` if they anti-commute.
if qargs is None:
qargs = getattr(other, "qargs", None)
if not isinstance(other, BasePauli):
other = PauliList(other)
return super().commutes(other, qargs=qargs)
[docs] def anticommutes(self, other: BasePauli, qargs: list | None = None) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if other Pauli that anticommutes with other.
other (PauliList): another PauliList operator.
qargs (list): qubits to apply dot product on (default: ``None``).
bool: ``True`` if Paulis anticommute, ``False`` if they commute.
return np.logical_not(self.commutes(other, qargs=qargs))
[docs] def commutes_with_all(self, other: PauliList) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return indexes of rows that commute ``other``.
If ``other`` is a multi-row Pauli list the returned vector indexes rows
of the current PauliList that commute with *all* Paulis in other.
If no rows satisfy the condition the returned array will be empty.
other (PauliList): a single Pauli or multi-row PauliList.
array: index array of the commuting rows.
return self._commutes_with_all(other)
[docs] def anticommutes_with_all(self, other: PauliList) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return indexes of rows that commute other.
If ``other`` is a multi-row Pauli list the returned vector indexes rows
of the current PauliList that anti-commute with *all* Paulis in other.
If no rows satisfy the condition the returned array will be empty.
other (PauliList): a single Pauli or multi-row PauliList.
array: index array of the anti-commuting rows.
return self._commutes_with_all(other, anti=True)
def _commutes_with_all(self, other, anti=False):
"""Return row indexes that commute with all rows in another PauliList.
other (PauliList): a PauliList.
anti (bool): if ``True`` return rows that anti-commute, otherwise
return rows that commute (Default: ``False``).
array: index array of commuting or anti-commuting row.
if not isinstance(other, PauliList):
other = PauliList(other)
comms = self.commutes(other[0])
(inds,) = np.where(comms == int(not anti))
for pauli in other[1:]:
comms = self[inds].commutes(pauli)
(new_inds,) = np.where(comms == int(not anti))
if new_inds.size == 0:
# No commuting rows
return new_inds
inds = inds[new_inds]
return inds
[docs] def evolve(
other: Pauli | Clifford | QuantumCircuit,
qargs: list | None = None,
frame: Literal["h", "s"] = "h",
) -> Pauli:
r"""Performs either Heisenberg (default) or Schrödinger picture
evolution of the Pauli by a Clifford and returns the evolved Pauli.
Schrödinger picture evolution can be chosen by passing parameter ``frame='s'``.
This option yields a faster calculation.
Heisenberg picture evolves the Pauli as :math:`P^\prime = C^\dagger.P.C`.
Schrödinger picture evolves the Pauli as :math:`P^\prime = C.P.C^\dagger`.
other (Pauli or Clifford or QuantumCircuit): The Clifford operator to evolve by.
qargs (list): a list of qubits to apply the Clifford to.
frame (string): ``'h'`` for Heisenberg (default) or ``'s'`` for Schrödinger framework.
PauliList: the Pauli :math:`C^\dagger.P.C` (Heisenberg picture)
or the Pauli :math:`C.P.C^\dagger` (Schrödinger picture).
QiskitError: if the Clifford number of qubits and qargs don't match.
from qiskit.circuit import Instruction
if qargs is None:
qargs = getattr(other, "qargs", None)
if not isinstance(other, (BasePauli, Instruction, QuantumCircuit, Clifford)):
# Convert to a PauliList
other = PauliList(other)
return PauliList(super().evolve(other, qargs=qargs, frame=frame))
[docs] def to_labels(self, array: bool = False):
r"""Convert a PauliList to a list Pauli string labels.
For large PauliLists converting using the ``array=True``
kwarg will be more efficient since it allocates memory for
the full Numpy array of labels in advance.
.. list-table:: Pauli Representations
:header-rows: 1
* - Label
- Symplectic
- Matrix
* - ``"I"``
- :math:`[0, 0]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}`
* - ``"X"``
- :math:`[1, 0]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}`
* - ``"Y"``
- :math:`[1, 1]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{bmatrix}`
* - ``"Z"``
- :math:`[0, 1]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}`
array (bool): return a Numpy array if ``True``, otherwise
return a list (Default: ``False``).
list or array: The rows of the PauliList in label form.
if (self.phase == 1).any():
prefix_len = 2
elif (self.phase > 0).any():
prefix_len = 1
prefix_len = 0
str_len = self.num_qubits + prefix_len
ret = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=f"<U{str_len}")
iterator = self.label_iter()
for i in range(self.size):
ret[i] = next(iterator)
if array:
return ret
return ret.tolist()
[docs] def to_matrix(self, sparse: bool = False, array: bool = False) -> list:
r"""Convert to a list or array of Pauli matrices.
For large PauliLists converting using the ``array=True``
kwarg will be more efficient since it allocates memory a full
rank-3 Numpy array of matrices in advance.
.. list-table:: Pauli Representations
:header-rows: 1
* - Label
- Symplectic
- Matrix
* - ``"I"``
- :math:`[0, 0]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}`
* - ``"X"``
- :math:`[1, 0]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}`
* - ``"Y"``
- :math:`[1, 1]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{bmatrix}`
* - ``"Z"``
- :math:`[0, 1]`
- :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}`
sparse (bool): if ``True`` return sparse CSR matrices, otherwise
return dense Numpy arrays (Default: ``False``).
array (bool): return as rank-3 numpy array if ``True``, otherwise
return a list of Numpy arrays (Default: ``False``).
list: A list of dense Pauli matrices if ``array=False` and ``sparse=False`.
list: A list of sparse Pauli matrices if ``array=False`` and ``sparse=True``.
array: A dense rank-3 array of Pauli matrices if ``array=True``.
if not array:
# We return a list of Numpy array matrices
return list(self.matrix_iter(sparse=sparse))
# For efficiency we also allow returning a single rank-3
# array where first index is the Pauli row, and second two
# indices are the matrix indices
dim = 2**self.num_qubits
ret = np.zeros((self.size, dim, dim), dtype=complex)
iterator = self.matrix_iter(sparse=sparse)
for i in range(self.size):
ret[i] = next(iterator)
return ret
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom Iterators
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def label_iter(self):
"""Return a label representation iterator.
This is a lazy iterator that converts each row into the string
label only as it is used. To convert the entire table to labels use
the :meth:`to_labels` method.
LabelIterator: label iterator object for the PauliList.
class LabelIterator(CustomIterator):
"""Label representation iteration and item access."""
def __repr__(self):
return f"<PauliList_label_iterator at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.obj._to_label(self.obj._z[key], self.obj._x[key], self.obj._phase[key])
return LabelIterator(self)
[docs] def matrix_iter(self, sparse: bool = False):
"""Return a matrix representation iterator.
This is a lazy iterator that converts each row into the Pauli matrix
representation only as it is used. To convert the entire table to
matrices use the :meth:`to_matrix` method.
sparse (bool): optionally return sparse CSR matrices if ``True``,
otherwise return Numpy array matrices
(Default: ``False``)
MatrixIterator: matrix iterator object for the PauliList.
class MatrixIterator(CustomIterator):
"""Matrix representation iteration and item access."""
def __repr__(self):
return f"<PauliList_matrix_iterator at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.obj._to_matrix(
self.obj._z[key], self.obj._x[key], self.obj._phase[key], sparse=sparse
return MatrixIterator(self)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class methods
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod
def from_symplectic(
cls, z: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, phase: np.ndarray | None = 0
) -> PauliList:
"""Construct a PauliList from a symplectic data.
z (np.ndarray): 2D boolean Numpy array.
x (np.ndarray): 2D boolean Numpy array.
phase (np.ndarray or None): Optional, 1D integer array from Z_4.
PauliList: the constructed PauliList.
base_z, base_x, base_phase = cls._from_array(z, x, phase)
return cls(BasePauli(base_z, base_x, base_phase))
def _noncommutation_graph(self, qubit_wise):
"""Create an edge list representing the non-commutation graph (Pauli Graph).
An edge (i, j) is present if i and j are not commutable.
qubit_wise (bool): whether the commutation rule is applied to the whole operator,
or on a per-qubit basis.
list[tuple[int,int]]: A list of pairs of indices of the PauliList that are not commutable.
# convert a Pauli operator into int vector where {I: 0, X: 2, Y: 3, Z: 1}
mat1 = np.array(
[op.z + 2 * op.x for op in self],
mat2 = mat1[:, None]
# This is 0 (false-y) iff one of the operators is the identity and/or both operators are the
# same. In other cases, it is non-zero (truth-y).
qubit_anticommutation_mat = (mat1 * mat2) * (mat1 - mat2)
# 'adjacency_mat[i, j]' is True iff Paulis 'i' and 'j' do not commute in the given strategy.
if qubit_wise:
adjacency_mat = np.logical_or.reduce(qubit_anticommutation_mat, axis=2)
# Don't commute if there's an odd number of element-wise anti-commutations.
adjacency_mat = np.logical_xor.reduce(qubit_anticommutation_mat, axis=2)
# Convert into list where tuple elements are non-commuting operators. We only want to
# results from one triangle to avoid symmetric duplications.
return list(zip(*np.where(np.triu(adjacency_mat, k=1))))
def _create_graph(self, qubit_wise):
"""Transform measurement operator grouping problem into graph coloring problem
qubit_wise (bool): whether the commutation rule is applied to the whole operator,
or on a per-qubit basis.
rustworkx.PyGraph: A class of undirected graphs
edges = self._noncommutation_graph(qubit_wise)
graph = rx.PyGraph()
return graph
[docs] def group_qubit_wise_commuting(self) -> list[PauliList]:
"""Partition a PauliList into sets of mutually qubit-wise commuting Pauli strings.
list[PauliList]: List of PauliLists where each PauliList contains commutable Pauli operators.
return self.group_commuting(qubit_wise=True)
[docs] def group_commuting(self, qubit_wise: bool = False) -> list[PauliList]:
"""Partition a PauliList into sets of commuting Pauli strings.
qubit_wise (bool): whether the commutation rule is applied to the whole operator,
or on a per-qubit basis. For example:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from qiskit.quantum_info import PauliList
>>> op = PauliList(["XX", "YY", "IZ", "ZZ"])
>>> op.group_commuting()
[PauliList(['XX', 'YY']), PauliList(['IZ', 'ZZ'])]
>>> op.group_commuting(qubit_wise=True)
[PauliList(['XX']), PauliList(['YY']), PauliList(['IZ', 'ZZ'])]
list[PauliList]: List of PauliLists where each PauliList contains commuting Pauli operators.
graph = self._create_graph(qubit_wise)
# Keys in coloring_dict are nodes, values are colors
coloring_dict = rx.graph_greedy_color(graph)
groups = defaultdict(list)
for idx, color in coloring_dict.items():
return [self[group] for group in groups.values()]