# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""Export tools for OpenQASM 2."""
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ["dump", "dumps"]
import collections.abc
import io
import itertools
import os
import re
import string
from qiskit.circuit import (
library as lib,
from qiskit.circuit.tools import pi_check
from .exceptions import QASM2ExportError
"c3sx", # This is the Qiskit gate name, but the qelib1.inc name is 'c3sqrtx'.
_RESERVED = frozenset(
[docs]def dump(circuit: QuantumCircuit, filename_or_stream: os.PathLike | io.TextIOBase, /):
"""Dump a circuit as an OpenQASM 2 program to a file or stream.
circuit: the :class:`.QuantumCircuit` to be exported.
filename_or_stream: either a path-like object (likely a :class:`str` or
:class:`pathlib.Path`), or an already opened text-mode stream.
QASM2ExportError: if the circuit cannot be represented by OpenQASM 2.
if isinstance(filename_or_stream, io.TextIOBase):
print(dumps(circuit), file=filename_or_stream)
with open(filename_or_stream, "w") as stream:
print(dumps(circuit), file=stream)
[docs]def dumps(circuit: QuantumCircuit, /) -> str:
"""Export a circuit to an OpenQASM 2 program in a string.
circuit: the :class:`.QuantumCircuit` to be exported.
An OpenQASM 2 string representing the circuit.
QASM2ExportError: if the circuit cannot be represented by OpenQASM 2.
if circuit.num_parameters > 0:
raise QASM2ExportError("Cannot represent circuits with unbound parameters in OpenQASM 2.")
# Mapping of instruction name to a pair of the source for a definition, and an OQ2 string
# that includes the `gate` or `opaque` statement that defines the gate.
gates_to_define: collections.OrderedDict[
str, tuple[Instruction, str]
] = collections.OrderedDict()
regless_qubits = [bit for bit in circuit.qubits if not circuit.find_bit(bit).registers]
regless_clbits = [bit for bit in circuit.clbits if not circuit.find_bit(bit).registers]
dummy_registers: list[QuantumRegister | ClassicalRegister] = []
if regless_qubits:
dummy_registers.append(QuantumRegister(name="qregless", bits=regless_qubits))
if regless_clbits:
dummy_registers.append(ClassicalRegister(name="cregless", bits=regless_clbits))
register_escaped_names: dict[str, QuantumRegister | ClassicalRegister] = {}
for regs in (circuit.qregs, circuit.cregs, dummy_registers):
for reg in regs:
_make_unique(_escape_name(reg.name, "reg_"), register_escaped_names)
] = reg
bit_labels: dict[Qubit | Clbit, str] = {
bit: "%s[%d]" % (name, idx)
for name, register in register_escaped_names.items()
for (idx, bit) in enumerate(register)
register_definitions_qasm = "\n".join(
f"{'qreg' if isinstance(reg, QuantumRegister) else 'creg'} {name}[{reg.size}];"
for name, reg in register_escaped_names.items()
instruction_calls = []
for instruction in circuit._data:
operation = instruction.operation
if operation.name == "measure":
qubit = instruction.qubits[0]
clbit = instruction.clbits[0]
instruction_qasm = f"measure {bit_labels[qubit]} -> {bit_labels[clbit]};"
elif operation.name == "reset":
instruction_qasm = f"reset {bit_labels[instruction.qubits[0]]};"
elif operation.name == "barrier":
if not instruction.qubits:
# Barriers with no operands are invalid in (strict) OQ2, and the statement
# would have no meaning anyway.
qargs = ",".join(bit_labels[q] for q in instruction.qubits)
instruction_qasm = "barrier;" if not qargs else f"barrier {qargs};"
instruction_qasm = _custom_operation_statement(instruction, gates_to_define, bit_labels)
instructions_qasm = "\n".join(f"{call}" for call in instruction_calls)
gate_definitions_qasm = "\n".join(f"{qasm}" for _, qasm in gates_to_define.values())
return "\n".join(
for part in (
"OPENQASM 2.0;",
'include "qelib1.inc";',
if part
def _escape_name(name: str, prefix: str) -> str:
"""Returns a valid OpenQASM 2.0 identifier, using `prefix` as a prefix if necessary. `prefix`
must itself be a valid identifier."""
# Replace all non-ASCII-word characters (letters, digits, underscore) with the underscore.
escaped_name = re.sub(r"\W", "_", name, flags=re.ASCII)
if (
not escaped_name
or escaped_name[0] not in string.ascii_lowercase
or escaped_name in _RESERVED
escaped_name = prefix + escaped_name
return escaped_name
def _make_unique(name: str, already_defined: collections.abc.Set[str]) -> str:
"""Generate a name by suffixing the given stem that is unique within the defined set."""
if name not in already_defined:
return name
used = {in_use[len(name) :] for in_use in already_defined if in_use.startswith(name)}
characters = (string.digits + string.ascii_letters) if name else string.ascii_letters
for parts in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
itertools.product(characters, repeat=n) for n in itertools.count(1)
suffix = "".join(parts)
if suffix not in used:
return name + suffix
# This isn't actually reachable because the above loop is infinite.
return name
def _rename_operation(operation):
"""Returns the operation with a new name following this pattern: {operation name}_{operation id}"""
new_name = f"{operation.name}_{id(operation)}"
updated_operation = operation.copy(name=new_name)
return updated_operation
def _instruction_call_site(operation):
"""Return an OpenQASM 2 string for the instruction."""
if operation.name == "c3sx":
qasm2_call = "c3sqrtx"
qasm2_call = operation.name
if operation.params:
qasm2_call = "{}({})".format(
",".join([pi_check(i, output="qasm", eps=1e-12) for i in operation.params]),
if operation.condition is not None:
if not isinstance(operation.condition[0], ClassicalRegister):
raise QASM2ExportError(
"OpenQASM 2 can only condition on registers, but got '{operation.condition[0]}'"
qasm2_call = (
"if(%s==%d) " % (operation.condition[0].name, operation.condition[1]) + qasm2_call
return qasm2_call
# Just needs to have enough parameters to support the largest standard (non-controlled) gate in our
# standard library. We have to use the same `Parameter` instances each time so the equality
# comparisons will work.
_FIXED_PARAMETERS = [Parameter("param0"), Parameter("param1"), Parameter("param2")]
def _custom_operation_statement(instruction, gates_to_define, bit_labels):
operation = _define_custom_operation(instruction.operation, gates_to_define)
# Insert qasm representation of the original instruction
if instruction.clbits:
bits = itertools.chain(instruction.qubits, instruction.clbits)
bits = instruction.qubits
bits_qasm = ",".join(bit_labels[j] for j in bits)
return f"{_instruction_call_site(operation)} {bits_qasm};"
def _define_custom_operation(operation, gates_to_define):
"""Extract a custom definition from the given operation, and append any necessary additional
subcomponents' definitions to the ``gates_to_define`` ordered dictionary.
Returns a potentially new :class:`.Instruction`, which should be used for the
:meth:`~.Instruction.qasm` call (it may have been renamed)."""
if operation.name in _EXISTING_GATE_NAMES:
return operation
# Check instructions names or label are valid
escaped = _escape_name(operation.name, "gate_")
if escaped != operation.name:
operation = operation.copy(name=escaped)
# These are built-in gates that are known to be safe to construct by passing the correct number
# of `Parameter` instances positionally, and have no other information. We can't guarantee that
# if they've been subclassed, though. This is a total hack; ideally we'd be able to inspect the
# "calling" signatures of Qiskit `Gate` objects to know whether they're safe to re-parameterise.
known_good_parameterized = {
# In known-good situations we want to use a manually parametrised object as the source of the
# definition, but still continue to return the given object as the call-site object.
if operation.base_class in known_good_parameterized:
parameterized_operation = type(operation)(*_FIXED_PARAMETERS[: len(operation.params)])
elif hasattr(operation, "_qasm2_decomposition"):
new_op = operation._qasm2_decomposition()
parameterized_operation = operation = new_op.copy(name=_escape_name(new_op.name, "gate_"))
parameterized_operation = operation
# If there's an _equal_ operation in the existing circuits to be defined, then our job is done.
previous_definition_source, _ = gates_to_define.get(operation.name, (None, None))
if parameterized_operation == previous_definition_source:
return operation
# Otherwise, if there's a naming clash, we need a unique name.
if operation.name in gates_to_define:
operation = _rename_operation(operation)
new_name = operation.name
if parameterized_operation.params:
parameters_qasm = (
"(" + ",".join(f"param{i}" for i in range(len(parameterized_operation.params))) + ")"
parameters_qasm = ""
if operation.num_qubits == 0:
raise QASM2ExportError(
f"OpenQASM 2 cannot represent '{operation.name}, which acts on zero qubits."
if operation.num_clbits != 0:
raise QASM2ExportError(
f"OpenQASM 2 cannot represent '{operation.name}', which acts on {operation.num_clbits}"
" classical bits."
qubits_qasm = ",".join(f"q{i}" for i in range(parameterized_operation.num_qubits))
parameterized_definition = getattr(parameterized_operation, "definition", None)
if parameterized_definition is None:
gates_to_define[new_name] = (
f"opaque {new_name}{parameters_qasm} {qubits_qasm};",
qubit_labels = {bit: f"q{i}" for i, bit in enumerate(parameterized_definition.qubits)}
body_qasm = " ".join(
_custom_operation_statement(instruction, gates_to_define, qubit_labels)
for instruction in parameterized_definition.data
# if an inner operation has the same name as the actual operation, it needs to be renamed
if operation.name in gates_to_define:
operation = _rename_operation(operation)
new_name = operation.name
definition_qasm = f"gate {new_name}{parameters_qasm} {qubits_qasm} {{ {body_qasm} }}"
gates_to_define[new_name] = (parameterized_operation, definition_qasm)
return operation