Source code for qiskit.providers.fake_provider.fake_backend

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

Base class for dummy backends.

import warnings
import collections
import json
import os
import re

from typing import List, Iterable

from qiskit import circuit
from qiskit.providers.models import BackendProperties, BackendConfiguration, PulseDefaults
from qiskit.providers import BackendV2, BackendV1
from qiskit import pulse
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.utils import optionals as _optionals
from qiskit.providers import basicaer
from qiskit.transpiler import Target
from qiskit.providers.backend_compat import convert_to_target

from .utils.json_decoder import (

class _Credentials:
    def __init__(self, token="123456", url="https://"):
        self.token = token
        self.url = url
        self.hub = "hub" = "group"
        self.project = "project"

[docs]class FakeBackendV2(BackendV2): """A fake backend class for testing and noisy simulation using real backend snapshots. The class inherits :class:`~qiskit.providers.BackendV2` class. This version differs from earlier :class:`~qiskit.providers.fake_provider.FakeBackend` (V1) class in a few aspects. Firstly, configuration attribute no longer exsists. Instead, attributes exposing equivalent required immutable properties of the backend device are added. For example ``fake_backend.configuration().n_qubits`` is accessible from ``fake_backend.num_qubits`` now. Secondly, this version removes extra abstractions :class:`~qiskit.providers.fake_provider.FakeQasmBackend` and :class:`~qiskit.providers.fake_provider.FakePulseBackend` that were present in V1. """ # directory and file names for real backend snapshots. dirname = None conf_filename = None props_filename = None defs_filename = None backend_name = None def __init__(self): """FakeBackendV2 initializer.""" self._conf_dict = self._get_conf_dict_from_json() self._props_dict = None self._defs_dict = None super().__init__( provider=None, name=self._conf_dict.get("backend_name"), description=self._conf_dict.get("description"), online_date=self._conf_dict.get("online_date"), backend_version=self._conf_dict.get("backend_version"), ) self._target = None self.sim = None if "channels" in self._conf_dict: self._parse_channels(self._conf_dict["channels"]) def _parse_channels(self, channels): type_map = { "acquire": pulse.AcquireChannel, "drive": pulse.DriveChannel, "measure": pulse.MeasureChannel, "control": pulse.ControlChannel, } identifier_pattern = re.compile(r"\D+(?P<index>\d+)") channels_map = { "acquire": collections.defaultdict(list), "drive": collections.defaultdict(list), "measure": collections.defaultdict(list), "control": collections.defaultdict(list), } for identifier, spec in channels.items(): channel_type = spec["type"] out = re.match(identifier_pattern, identifier) if out is None: # Identifier is not a valid channel name format continue channel_index = int(out.groupdict()["index"]) qubit_index = tuple(spec["operates"]["qubits"]) chan_obj = type_map[channel_type](channel_index) channels_map[channel_type][qubit_index].append(chan_obj) setattr(self, "channels_map", channels_map) def _setup_sim(self): if _optionals.HAS_AER: from qiskit.providers import aer self.sim = aer.AerSimulator() if and self._props_dict: noise_model = self._get_noise_model_from_backend_v2() self.sim.set_options(noise_model=noise_model) # Update fake backend default too to avoid overwriting # it when run() is called self.set_options(noise_model=noise_model) else: self.sim = basicaer.QasmSimulatorPy() def _get_conf_dict_from_json(self): if not self.conf_filename: return None conf_dict = self._load_json(self.conf_filename) decode_backend_configuration(conf_dict) conf_dict["backend_name"] = self.backend_name return conf_dict def _set_props_dict_from_json(self): if self.props_filename: props_dict = self._load_json(self.props_filename) decode_backend_properties(props_dict) self._props_dict = props_dict def _set_defs_dict_from_json(self): if self.defs_filename: defs_dict = self._load_json(self.defs_filename) decode_pulse_defaults(defs_dict) self._defs_dict = defs_dict def _load_json(self, filename: str) -> dict: with open(os.path.join(self.dirname, filename)) as f_json: the_json = json.load(f_json) return the_json @property def target(self) -> Target: """A :class:`qiskit.transpiler.Target` object for the backend. :rtype: Target """ if self._target is None: self._get_conf_dict_from_json() if self._props_dict is None: self._set_props_dict_from_json() if self._defs_dict is None: self._set_defs_dict_from_json() conf = BackendConfiguration.from_dict(self._conf_dict) props = None if self._props_dict is not None: props = BackendProperties.from_dict(self._props_dict) defaults = None if self._defs_dict is not None: defaults = PulseDefaults.from_dict(self._defs_dict) self._target = convert_to_target( conf, props, defaults, add_delay=True, filter_faulty=True ) return self._target @property def max_circuits(self): return None @classmethod def _default_options(cls): """Return the default options This method will return a :class:`qiskit.providers.Options` subclass object that will be used for the default options. These should be the default parameters to use for the options of the backend. Returns: qiskit.providers.Options: A options object with default values set """ if _optionals.HAS_AER: from qiskit.providers import aer return aer.AerSimulator._default_options() else: return basicaer.QasmSimulatorPy._default_options() @property def dtm(self) -> float: """Return the system time resolution of output signals Returns: The output signal timestep in seconds. """ dtm = self._conf_dict.get("dtm") if dtm is not None: # converting `dtm` in nanoseconds in configuration file to seconds return dtm * 1e-9 else: return None @property def meas_map(self) -> List[List[int]]: """Return the grouping of measurements which are multiplexed This is required to be implemented if the backend supports Pulse scheduling. Returns: The grouping of measurements which are multiplexed """ return self._conf_dict.get("meas_map") def drive_channel(self, qubit: int): """Return the drive channel for the given qubit. This is required to be implemented if the backend supports Pulse scheduling. Returns: DriveChannel: The Qubit drive channel """ drive_channels_map = getattr(self, "channels_map", {}).get("drive", {}) qubits = (qubit,) if qubits in drive_channels_map: return drive_channels_map[qubits][0] return None def measure_channel(self, qubit: int): """Return the measure stimulus channel for the given qubit. This is required to be implemented if the backend supports Pulse scheduling. Returns: MeasureChannel: The Qubit measurement stimulus line """ measure_channels_map = getattr(self, "channels_map", {}).get("measure", {}) qubits = (qubit,) if qubits in measure_channels_map: return measure_channels_map[qubits][0] return None def acquire_channel(self, qubit: int): """Return the acquisition channel for the given qubit. This is required to be implemented if the backend supports Pulse scheduling. Returns: AcquireChannel: The Qubit measurement acquisition line. """ acquire_channels_map = getattr(self, "channels_map", {}).get("acquire", {}) qubits = (qubit,) if qubits in acquire_channels_map: return acquire_channels_map[qubits][0] return None def control_channel(self, qubits: Iterable[int]): """Return the secondary drive channel for the given qubit This is typically utilized for controlling multiqubit interactions. This channel is derived from other channels. This is required to be implemented if the backend supports Pulse scheduling. Args: qubits: Tuple or list of qubits of the form ``(control_qubit, target_qubit)``. Returns: List[ControlChannel]: The multi qubit control line. """ control_channels_map = getattr(self, "channels_map", {}).get("control", {}) qubits = tuple(qubits) if qubits in control_channels_map: return control_channels_map[qubits] return [] def run(self, run_input, **options): """Run on the fake backend using a simulator. This method runs circuit jobs (an individual or a list of QuantumCircuit ) and pulse jobs (an individual or a list of Schedule or ScheduleBlock) using BasicAer or Aer simulator and returns a :class:`~qiskit.providers.Job` object. If qiskit-aer is installed, jobs will be run using AerSimulator with noise model of the fake backend. Otherwise, jobs will be run using BasicAer simulator without noise. Currently noisy simulation of a pulse job is not supported yet in FakeBackendV2. Args: run_input (QuantumCircuit or Schedule or ScheduleBlock or list): An individual or a list of :class:`~qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit`, :class:`~qiskit.pulse.ScheduleBlock`, or :class:`~qiskit.pulse.Schedule` objects to run on the backend. options: Any kwarg options to pass to the backend for running the config. If a key is also present in the options attribute/object then the expectation is that the value specified will be used instead of what's set in the options object. Returns: Job: The job object for the run Raises: QiskitError: If a pulse job is supplied and qiskit-aer is not installed. """ circuits = run_input pulse_job = None if isinstance(circuits, (pulse.Schedule, pulse.ScheduleBlock)): pulse_job = True elif isinstance(circuits, circuit.QuantumCircuit): pulse_job = False elif isinstance(circuits, list): if circuits: if all(isinstance(x, (pulse.Schedule, pulse.ScheduleBlock)) for x in circuits): pulse_job = True elif all(isinstance(x, circuit.QuantumCircuit) for x in circuits): pulse_job = False if pulse_job is None: # submitted job is invalid raise QiskitError( "Invalid input object %s, must be either a " "QuantumCircuit, Schedule, or a list of either" % circuits ) if pulse_job: # pulse job raise QiskitError("Pulse simulation is currently not supported for V2 fake backends.") # circuit job if not _optionals.HAS_AER: warnings.warn("Aer not found using BasicAer and no noise", RuntimeWarning) if self.sim is None: self._setup_sim() self.sim._options = self._options job =, **options) return job def _get_noise_model_from_backend_v2( self, gate_error=True, readout_error=True, thermal_relaxation=True, temperature=0, gate_lengths=None, gate_length_units="ns", ): """Build noise model from BackendV2. This is a temporary fix until qiskit-aer supports building noise model from a BackendV2 object. """ from qiskit.circuit import Delay from qiskit.providers.exceptions import BackendPropertyError from qiskit.providers.aer.noise import NoiseModel from qiskit.providers.aer.noise.device.models import ( _excited_population, basic_device_gate_errors, basic_device_readout_errors, ) from qiskit.providers.aer.noise.passes import RelaxationNoisePass if self._props_dict is None: self._set_props_dict_from_json() properties = BackendProperties.from_dict(self._props_dict) basis_gates = self.operation_names num_qubits = self.num_qubits dt = self.dt noise_model = NoiseModel(basis_gates=basis_gates) # Add single-qubit readout errors if readout_error: for qubits, error in basic_device_readout_errors(properties): noise_model.add_readout_error(error, qubits) # Add gate errors with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", module="qiskit.providers.aer.noise.device.models", ) gate_errors = basic_device_gate_errors( properties, gate_error=gate_error, thermal_relaxation=thermal_relaxation, gate_lengths=gate_lengths, gate_length_units=gate_length_units, temperature=temperature, ) for name, qubits, error in gate_errors: noise_model.add_quantum_error(error, name, qubits) if thermal_relaxation: # Add delay errors via RelaxationNiose pass try: excited_state_populations = [ _excited_population(freq=properties.frequency(q), temperature=temperature) for q in range(num_qubits) ] except BackendPropertyError: excited_state_populations = None try: delay_pass = RelaxationNoisePass( t1s=[properties.t1(q) for q in range(num_qubits)], t2s=[properties.t2(q) for q in range(num_qubits)], dt=dt, op_types=Delay, excited_state_populations=excited_state_populations, ) noise_model._custom_noise_passes.append(delay_pass) except BackendPropertyError: # Device does not have the required T1 or T2 information # in its properties pass return noise_model
[docs]class FakeBackend(BackendV1): """This is a dummy backend just for testing purposes.""" def __init__(self, configuration, time_alive=10): """FakeBackend initializer. Args: configuration (BackendConfiguration): backend configuration time_alive (int): time to wait before returning result """ super().__init__(configuration) self.time_alive = time_alive self._credentials = _Credentials() self.sim = None def _setup_sim(self): if _optionals.HAS_AER: from qiskit.providers import aer from qiskit.providers.aer.noise import NoiseModel self.sim = aer.AerSimulator() if noise_model = NoiseModel.from_backend(self) self.sim.set_options(noise_model=noise_model) # Update fake backend default options too to avoid overwriting # it when run() is called self.set_options(noise_model=noise_model) else: self.sim = basicaer.QasmSimulatorPy() def properties(self): """Return backend properties""" coupling_map = self.configuration().coupling_map if coupling_map is None: return None unique_qubits = list(set().union(*coupling_map)) properties = { "backend_name":, "backend_version": self.configuration().backend_version, "last_update_date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z", "qubits": [ [ {"date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z", "name": "T1", "unit": "\u00b5s", "value": 0.0}, {"date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z", "name": "T2", "unit": "\u00b5s", "value": 0.0}, { "date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z", "name": "frequency", "unit": "GHz", "value": 0.0, }, { "date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z", "name": "readout_error", "unit": "", "value": 0.0, }, {"date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z", "name": "operational", "unit": "", "value": 1}, ] for _ in range(len(unique_qubits)) ], "gates": [ { "gate": "cx", "name": "CX" + str(pair[0]) + "_" + str(pair[1]), "parameters": [ { "date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z", "name": "gate_error", "unit": "", "value": 0.0, } ], "qubits": [pair[0], pair[1]], } for pair in coupling_map ], "general": [], } return BackendProperties.from_dict(properties) @classmethod def _default_options(cls): if _optionals.HAS_AER: from qiskit.providers import aer return aer.QasmSimulator._default_options() else: return basicaer.QasmSimulatorPy._default_options() def run(self, run_input, **kwargs): """Main job in simulator""" circuits = run_input pulse_job = None if isinstance(circuits, (pulse.Schedule, pulse.ScheduleBlock)): pulse_job = True elif isinstance(circuits, circuit.QuantumCircuit): pulse_job = False elif isinstance(circuits, list): if circuits: if all(isinstance(x, (pulse.Schedule, pulse.ScheduleBlock)) for x in circuits): pulse_job = True elif all(isinstance(x, circuit.QuantumCircuit) for x in circuits): pulse_job = False if pulse_job is None: raise QiskitError( "Invalid input object %s, must be either a " "QuantumCircuit, Schedule, or a list of either" % circuits ) if pulse_job: if _optionals.HAS_AER: from qiskit.providers import aer from qiskit.providers.aer.pulse import PulseSystemModel system_model = PulseSystemModel.from_backend(self) sim = aer.Aer.get_backend("pulse_simulator") job =, system_model=system_model, **kwargs) else: raise QiskitError("Unable to run pulse schedules without qiskit-aer installed") else: if self.sim is None: self._setup_sim() if not _optionals.HAS_AER: warnings.warn("Aer not found using BasicAer and no noise", RuntimeWarning) self.sim._options = self._options job =, **kwargs) return job