Source code for qiskit.passmanager.compilation_status

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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"""A property set dictionary that shared among optimization passes."""

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum

[docs]class PropertySet(dict): """A default dictionary-like object.""" def __missing__(self, key): return None
class RunState(Enum): """Allowed values for the result of a pass execution.""" SUCCESS = 0 FAIL = 1 SKIP = 2
[docs]@dataclass class WorkflowStatus: """Collection of compilation status of workflow, i.e. pass manager run. This data structure is initialized when the pass manager is run, and recursively handed over to underlying tasks. Each pass will update this status once after being executed, and the lifetime of the workflow status object is the time during which the pass manager is running. """ count: int = 0 """Current number of pass execution.""" completed_passes: set = field(default_factory=set) """Passes already run that have not been invalidated.""" previous_run: RunState = RunState.FAIL """Status of the latest pass run."""
[docs]@dataclass class PassManagerState: """A portable container object that pass manager tasks communicate through generator. This object can contain every information about the running pass manager workflow, except for the IR object being optimized. The data structure consists of two elements; one for the status of the workflow itself, and another one for the additional information about the IR analyzed through pass executions. This container aims at just providing a robust interface for the :meth:`.Task.execute`, and no logic that modifies the container elements must be implemented. This object is mutable, and might be mutated by pass executions. """ workflow_status: WorkflowStatus """Status of the current compilation workflow.""" property_set: PropertySet """Information about IR being optimized."""