Source code for qiskit.opflow.state_fns.sparse_vector_state_fn

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020, 2023.
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"""SparseVectorStateFn class."""

from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy

from qiskit.circuit import ParameterExpression
from qiskit.opflow.list_ops.list_op import ListOp
from qiskit.opflow.list_ops.summed_op import SummedOp
from qiskit.opflow.operator_base import OperatorBase
from qiskit.opflow.state_fns.state_fn import StateFn
from qiskit.opflow.state_fns.vector_state_fn import VectorStateFn
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
from qiskit.utils import algorithm_globals
from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func

[docs]class SparseVectorStateFn(StateFn): """Deprecated: A class for sparse state functions and measurements in vector representation. This class uses ``scipy.sparse.spmatrix`` for the internal representation. """ primitive: scipy.sparse.spmatrix # TODO allow normalization somehow? @deprecate_func( since="0.24.0", additional_msg="For code migration guidelines, visit", ) def __init__( self, primitive: scipy.sparse.spmatrix, coeff: Union[complex, ParameterExpression] = 1.0, is_measurement: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: primitive: The underlying sparse vector. coeff: A coefficient multiplying the state function. is_measurement: Whether the StateFn is a measurement operator Raises: ValueError: If the primitive is not a column vector. ValueError: If the number of elements in the primitive is not a power of 2. """ if primitive.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError("The primitive must be a row vector of shape (x, 1).") # check if the primitive is a statevector of 2^n elements self._num_qubits = int(np.log2(primitive.shape[1])) if np.log2(primitive.shape[1]) != self._num_qubits: raise ValueError("The number of vector elements must be a power of 2.") super().__init__(primitive, coeff=coeff, is_measurement=is_measurement)
[docs] def primitive_strings(self) -> Set[str]: return {"SparseVector"}
@property def num_qubits(self) -> int: return self._num_qubits
[docs] def add(self, other: OperatorBase) -> OperatorBase: if not self.num_qubits == other.num_qubits: raise ValueError( "Sum over statefns with different numbers of qubits, {} and {}, is not well " "defined".format(self.num_qubits, other.num_qubits) ) # Right now doesn't make sense to add a StateFn to a Measurement if isinstance(other, SparseVectorStateFn) and self.is_measurement == other.is_measurement: # Covers Statevector and custom. added = self.coeff * self.primitive + other.coeff * other.primitive return SparseVectorStateFn(added, is_measurement=self._is_measurement) return SummedOp([self, other])
[docs] def adjoint(self) -> "SparseVectorStateFn": return SparseVectorStateFn( self.primitive.conjugate(), coeff=self.coeff.conjugate(), is_measurement=(not self.is_measurement), )
[docs] def equals(self, other: OperatorBase) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, SparseVectorStateFn) or not self.coeff == other.coeff: return False if self.primitive.shape != other.primitive.shape: return False if self.primitive.count_nonzero() != other.primitive.count_nonzero(): return False # equal if no elements are different (using != for efficiency) return (self.primitive != other.primitive).nnz == 0
[docs] def to_dict_fn(self) -> StateFn: """Convert this state function to a ``DictStateFn``. Returns: A new DictStateFn equivalent to ``self``. """ from .dict_state_fn import DictStateFn num_qubits = self.num_qubits dok = self.primitive.todok() new_dict = {format(i[1], "b").zfill(num_qubits): v for i, v in dok.items()} return DictStateFn(new_dict, coeff=self.coeff, is_measurement=self.is_measurement)
[docs] def to_matrix(self, massive: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: OperatorBase._check_massive("to_matrix", False, self.num_qubits, massive) vec = self.primitive.toarray() * self.coeff return vec if not self.is_measurement else vec.reshape(1, -1)
[docs] def to_matrix_op(self, massive: bool = False) -> OperatorBase: return VectorStateFn(self.to_matrix())
[docs] def to_spmatrix(self) -> OperatorBase: return self
[docs] def to_circuit_op(self) -> OperatorBase: """Convert this state function to a ``CircuitStateFn``.""" # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from .circuit_state_fn import CircuitStateFn csfn = CircuitStateFn.from_vector(self.primitive) * self.coeff return csfn.adjoint() if self.is_measurement else csfn
def __str__(self) -> str: prim_str = str(self.primitive) if self.coeff == 1.0: return "{}({})".format( "SparseVectorStateFn" if not self.is_measurement else "MeasurementSparseVector", prim_str, ) else: return "{}({}) * {}".format( "SparseVectorStateFn" if not self.is_measurement else "SparseMeasurementVector", prim_str, self.coeff, ) # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
[docs] def eval( self, front: Optional[ Union[str, Dict[str, complex], np.ndarray, Statevector, OperatorBase] ] = None, ) -> Union[OperatorBase, complex]: if front is None: return self if not self.is_measurement and isinstance(front, OperatorBase): raise ValueError( "Cannot compute overlap with StateFn or Operator if not Measurement. " "Try taking sf.adjoint() first to convert to measurement." ) if isinstance(front, ListOp) and front.distributive: return front.combo_fn( [self.eval(front.coeff * front_elem) for front_elem in front.oplist] ) if not isinstance(front, OperatorBase): front = StateFn(front) # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from ..operator_globals import EVAL_SIG_DIGITS from .operator_state_fn import OperatorStateFn from .circuit_state_fn import CircuitStateFn from .dict_state_fn import DictStateFn if isinstance(front, DictStateFn): return np.round( sum( v *[int(b, 2)] * front.coeff for (b, v) in front.primitive.items() ) * self.coeff, decimals=EVAL_SIG_DIGITS, ) if isinstance(front, VectorStateFn): # Need to extract the element or np.array([1]) is returned. return np.round(, front.to_matrix())[0], decimals=EVAL_SIG_DIGITS ) if isinstance(front, CircuitStateFn): # Don't reimplement logic from CircuitStateFn return np.conj(front.adjoint().eval(self.adjoint().primitive)) * self.coeff if isinstance(front, OperatorStateFn): return front.adjoint().eval(self.primitive) * self.coeff return front.adjoint().eval(self.adjoint().primitive).adjoint() * self.coeff # type: ignore
[docs] def sample( self, shots: int = 1024, massive: bool = False, reverse_endianness: bool = False ) -> dict: as_dict = self.to_dict_fn().primitive all_states = sum(as_dict.keys()) deterministic_counts = {key: value / all_states for key, value in as_dict.items()} # Don't need to square because probabilities_dict already does. probs = np.array(list(deterministic_counts.values())) unique, counts = np.unique( algorithm_globals.random.choice( list(deterministic_counts.keys()), size=shots, p=(probs / sum(probs)) ), return_counts=True, ) counts = dict(zip(unique, counts)) if reverse_endianness: scaled_dict = {bstr[::-1]: (prob / shots) for (bstr, prob) in counts.items()} else: scaled_dict = {bstr: (prob / shots) for (bstr, prob) in counts.items()} return dict(sorted(scaled_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))