Source code for qiskit.circuit.library.generalized_gates.uc

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.

# The structure of the code is based on Emanuel Malvetti's semester thesis at
# ETH in 2018, which was supervised by Raban Iten and Prof. Renato Renner.

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=missing-param-doc
# pylint: disable=missing-type-doc

"""Uniformly controlled gates (also called multiplexed gates)."""

from __future__ import annotations

import cmath
import math

import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit.gate import Gate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.h import HGate
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import is_unitary_matrix
from qiskit.circuit.quantumregister import QuantumRegister
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.exceptions import CircuitError
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError

# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.one_qubit_decompose import OneQubitEulerDecomposer

from .diagonal import Diagonal

_EPS = 1e-10  # global variable used to chop very small numbers to zero
_DECOMPOSER1Q = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("U3")

[docs]class UCGate(Gate): r"""Uniformly controlled gate (also called multiplexed gate). These gates can have several control qubits and a single target qubit. If the k control qubits are in the state :math:`|i\rangle` (in the computational basis), a single-qubit unitary :math:`U_i` is applied to the target qubit. This gate is represented by a block-diagonal matrix, where each block is a :math:`2\times 2` unitary, that is .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} U_0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & U_1 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \cdots & U_{2^{k-1}} \end{pmatrix}. The decomposition is based on Ref. [1]. **References:** [1] Bergholm et al., Quantum circuits with uniformly controlled one-qubit gates (2005). `Phys. Rev. A 71, 052330 <>`__. """ def __init__(self, gate_list: list[np.ndarray], up_to_diagonal: bool = False): r""" Args: gate_list: List of two qubit unitaries :math:`[U_0, ..., U_{2^{k-1}}]`, where each single-qubit unitary :math:`U_i` is given as a :math:`2 \times 2` numpy array. up_to_diagonal: Determines if the gate is implemented up to a diagonal. or if it is decomposed completely (default: False). If the ``UCGate`` :math:`U` is decomposed up to a diagonal :math:`D`, this means that the circuit implements a unitary :math:`U'` such that :math:`D U' = U`. Raises: QiskitError: in case of bad input to the constructor """ # check input format if not isinstance(gate_list, list): raise QiskitError("The single-qubit unitaries are not provided in a list.") for gate in gate_list: if not gate.shape == (2, 2): raise QiskitError("The dimension of a controlled gate is not equal to (2,2).") if not gate_list: raise QiskitError("The gate list cannot be empty.") # Check if number of gates in gate_list is a positive power of two num_contr = math.log2(len(gate_list)) if num_contr < 0 or not num_contr.is_integer(): raise QiskitError( "The number of controlled single-qubit gates is not a non-negative power of 2." ) # Check if the single-qubit gates are unitaries for gate in gate_list: if not is_unitary_matrix(gate, _EPS): raise QiskitError("A controlled gate is not unitary.") # Create new gate. super().__init__("multiplexer", int(num_contr) + 1, gate_list) self.up_to_diagonal = up_to_diagonal
[docs] def inverse(self) -> Gate: """Return the inverse. This does not re-compute the decomposition for the multiplexer with the inverse of the gates but simply inverts the existing decomposition. """ inverse_gate = Gate( + "_dg", num_qubits=self.num_qubits, params=[] ) # removing the params because arrays are deprecated definition = QuantumCircuit(*self.definition.qregs) for inst in reversed(self._definition): definition._append(inst.replace(operation=inst.operation.inverse())) definition.global_phase = -self.definition.global_phase inverse_gate.definition = definition return inverse_gate
def _get_diagonal(self): # Important: for a control list q_controls = [q[0],...,q_[k-1]] the # diagonal gate is provided in the computational basis of the qubits # q[k-1],...,q[0],q_target, decreasingly ordered with respect to the # significance of the qubit in the computational basis _, diag = self._dec_ucg() return diag def _define(self): ucg_circuit, _ = self._dec_ucg() self.definition = ucg_circuit def _dec_ucg(self): """ Call to create a circuit that implements the uniformly controlled gate. If up_to_diagonal=True, the circuit implements the gate up to a diagonal gate and the diagonal gate is also returned. """ diag = np.ones(2**self.num_qubits).tolist() q = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits) q_controls = q[1:] q_target = q[0] circuit = QuantumCircuit(q) # If there is no control, we use the ZYZ decomposition if not q_controls: circuit.unitary(self.params[0], [q]) return circuit, diag # If there is at least one control, first, # we find the single qubit gates of the decomposition. (single_qubit_gates, diag) = self._dec_ucg_help() # Now, it is easy to place the C-NOT gates and some Hadamards and Rz(pi/2) gates # (which are absorbed into the single-qubit unitaries) to get back the full decomposition. for i, gate in enumerate(single_qubit_gates): # Absorb Hadamards and Rz(pi/2) gates if i == 0: squ = HGate().to_matrix().dot(gate) elif i == len(single_qubit_gates) - 1: squ = / 2)).dot(HGate().to_matrix()) else: squ = ( HGate() .to_matrix() .dot( / 2))) .dot(HGate().to_matrix()) ) # Add single-qubit gate circuit.unitary(squ, [q_target]) # The number of the control qubit is given by the number of zeros at the end # of the binary representation of (i+1) binary_rep = np.binary_repr(i + 1) num_trailing_zeros = len(binary_rep) - len(binary_rep.rstrip("0")) q_contr_index = num_trailing_zeros # Add C-NOT gate if not i == len(single_qubit_gates) - 1:[q_contr_index], q_target) circuit.global_phase -= 0.25 * np.pi if not self.up_to_diagonal: # Important: the diagonal gate is given in the computational basis of the qubits # q[k-1],...,q[0],q_target (ordered with decreasing significance), # where q[i] are the control qubits and t denotes the target qubit. diagonal = Diagonal(diag) circuit.append(diagonal, q) return circuit, diag def _dec_ucg_help(self): """ This method finds the single qubit gate arising in the decomposition of UCGates given in """ single_qubit_gates = [gate.astype(complex) for gate in self.params] diag = np.ones(2**self.num_qubits, dtype=complex) num_contr = self.num_qubits - 1 for dec_step in range(num_contr): num_ucgs = 2**dec_step # The decomposition works recursively and the following loop goes over the different # UCGates that arise in the decomposition for ucg_index in range(num_ucgs): len_ucg = 2 ** (num_contr - dec_step) for i in range(int(len_ucg / 2)): shift = ucg_index * len_ucg a = single_qubit_gates[shift + i] b = single_qubit_gates[shift + len_ucg // 2 + i] # Apply the decomposition for UCGates given in equation (3) in # # to demultiplex one control of all the num_ucgs uniformly-controlled gates # with log2(len_ucg) uniform controls v, u, r = self._demultiplex_single_uc(a, b) # replace the single-qubit gates with v,u (the already existing ones # are not needed any more) single_qubit_gates[shift + i] = v single_qubit_gates[shift + len_ucg // 2 + i] = u # Now we decompose the gates D as described in Figure 4 in # and merge some of the gates # into the UCGates and the diagonal at the end of the circuit # Remark: The Rz(pi/2) rotation acting on the target qubit and the Hadamard # gates arising in the decomposition of D are ignored for the moment (they will # be added together with the C-NOT gates at the end of the decomposition # (in the method dec_ucg())) if ucg_index < num_ucgs - 1: # Absorb the Rz(pi/2) rotation on the control into the UC-Rz gate and # merge the UC-Rz rotation with the following UCGate, # which hasn't been decomposed yet. k = shift + len_ucg + i single_qubit_gates[k] = single_qubit_gates[k].dot( UCGate._ct(r) ) * UCGate._rz(np.pi / 2).item((0, 0)) k = k + len_ucg // 2 single_qubit_gates[k] = single_qubit_gates[k].dot(r) * UCGate._rz( np.pi / 2 ).item((1, 1)) else: # Absorb the Rz(pi/2) rotation on the control into the UC-Rz gate and merge # the trailing UC-Rz rotation into a diagonal gate at the end of the circuit for ucg_index_2 in range(num_ucgs): shift_2 = ucg_index_2 * len_ucg k = 2 * (i + shift_2) diag[k] = ( diag[k] * UCGate._ct(r).item((0, 0)) * UCGate._rz(np.pi / 2).item((0, 0)) ) diag[k + 1] = ( diag[k + 1] * UCGate._ct(r).item((1, 1)) * UCGate._rz(np.pi / 2).item((0, 0)) ) k = len_ucg + k diag[k] *= r.item((0, 0)) * UCGate._rz(np.pi / 2).item((1, 1)) diag[k + 1] *= r.item((1, 1)) * UCGate._rz(np.pi / 2).item((1, 1)) return single_qubit_gates, diag def _demultiplex_single_uc(self, a, b): """ This method implements the decomposition given in equation (3) in The decomposition is used recursively to decompose uniformly controlled gates. a,b = single qubit unitaries v,u,r = outcome of the decomposition given in the reference mentioned above (see there for the details). """ # The notation is chosen as in x = det_x = np.linalg.det(x) x11 = x.item((0, 0)) / cmath.sqrt(det_x) phi = cmath.phase(det_x) r1 = cmath.exp(1j / 2 * (np.pi / 2 - phi / 2 - cmath.phase(x11))) r2 = cmath.exp(1j / 2 * (np.pi / 2 - phi / 2 + cmath.phase(x11) + np.pi)) r = np.array([[r1, 0], [0, r2]], dtype=complex) d, u = np.linalg.eig( # If d is not equal to diag(i,-i), then we put it into this "standard" form # (see eq. (13) in by interchanging # the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. if abs(d[0] + 1j) < _EPS: d = np.flip(d, 0) u = np.flip(u, 1) d = np.diag(np.sqrt(d)) v = return v, u, r @staticmethod def _ct(m): return np.transpose(np.conjugate(m)) @staticmethod def _rz(alpha): return np.array([[np.exp(1j * alpha / 2), 0], [0, np.exp(-1j * alpha / 2)]])
[docs] def validate_parameter(self, parameter): """Uniformly controlled gate parameter has to be an ndarray.""" if isinstance(parameter, np.ndarray): return parameter else: raise CircuitError(f"invalid param type {type(parameter)} in gate {}")