Source code for qiskit.algorithms.phase_estimators.hamiltonian_phase_estimation_result

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"""Result from running HamiltonianPhaseEstimation"""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping
from typing import cast
from qiskit.algorithms.algorithm_result import AlgorithmResult
from .phase_estimation_result import PhaseEstimationResult
from .phase_estimation_scale import PhaseEstimationScale

[docs]class HamiltonianPhaseEstimationResult(AlgorithmResult): """Store and manipulate results from running `HamiltonianPhaseEstimation`. This API of this class is nearly the same as `PhaseEstimatorResult`, differing only in the presence of an additional keyword argument in the methods. If `scaled` is `False`, then the phases are not translated and scaled to recover the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Instead `phi` in :math:`[0, 1)` is returned, as is the case when then unitary is not derived from a Hamiltonian. This class is meant to be instantiated via `HamiltonianPhaseEstimation.estimate`. """ def __init__( self, phase_estimation_result: PhaseEstimationResult, phase_estimation_scale: PhaseEstimationScale, id_coefficient: float, ) -> None: """ Args: phase_estimation_result: The result object returned by PhaseEstimation.estimate. phase_estimation_scale: object used to scale phases to obtain eigenvalues. id_coefficient: The coefficient of the identity term in the Hamiltonian. Eigenvalues are computed without this term so that the coefficient must added to give correct eigenvalues. This is done automatically when retrieving eigenvalues. """ super().__init__() self._phase_estimation_scale = phase_estimation_scale self._id_coefficient = id_coefficient self._phase_estimation_result = phase_estimation_result
[docs] def filter_phases( self, cutoff: float = 0.0, scaled: bool = True, as_float: bool = True ) -> Mapping[str | float, float]: """Filter phases as does `PhaseEstimatorResult.filter_phases`, with the addition that `phi` is shifted and translated to return eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Args: cutoff: Minimum weight of number of counts required to keep a bit string. The default value is `0.0`. scaled: If False, return `phi` in :math:`[0, 1)` rather than the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. as_float: If `True`, returned keys are floats in :math:`[0.0, 1.0)`. If `False` returned keys are bit strings. Raises: ValueError: if `as_float` is `False` and `scaled` is `True`. Returns: A dict of filtered phases. """ if scaled and not as_float: raise ValueError("`as_float` must be `True` if `scaled` is `True`.") phases = self._phase_estimation_result.filter_phases(cutoff, as_float=as_float) if scaled: return cast( dict, self._phase_estimation_scale.scale_phases(phases, self._id_coefficient) ) else: return cast(dict, phases)
@property def phase(self) -> float: """The most likely phase of the unitary corresponding to the Hamiltonian. Returns: The most likely phase. """ return self._phase_estimation_result.phase @property def most_likely_eigenvalue(self) -> float: """The most likely eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian. This method calls `most_likely_phase` and scales the result to obtain an eigenvalue. Returns: The most likely eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian. """ phase = self.phase return self._phase_estimation_scale.scale_phase(phase, self._id_coefficient)